Fanworks Tagged with General

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The Message is Me by StarSpray

Eärendil comes to the Ring of Doom to plead before the Valar. 

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Without the Counsel of Any by Artano

Fingon leaves a note for his family before attempting to rescue Maedhros

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The Absence of Song by Elrond's Library

For the Dark Matter Challenge, a double drabble on the nature of Creation.

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Anticipatory Grief by StarSpray

Dear Elrond, It feels a little silly to be writing this to you while you are sleeping right next to me, but I cannot sleep.

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Mondays In Imladris by awwyeah107

For years, people had said that Imladris, or Rivendell in the common tongue, was a wonderful place. It was peaceful, it was beautiful, it was welcoming—a perfectly lovely place to be.

What many of them neglected to mention was that despite the hospitality of its residents and the beauty of the valley, Imladris was rather…unnatural.

(A Castle Glower AU)

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Deeds of pity are ever strange by 0ur_Ouroboros

“Forswear the oath, then!” Elrond raises his voice. 

“The oath was sworn in the name of Ilúvatar,” Maedhros explains. “It cannot be broken, lest we be doomed to everlasting darkness.”

“Seems to me you're both f****d either way,” Elros says. “So what's the harm in asking?”

"Elros, I will not tolerate that language in my halls. For someone of your stature, it's unbecoming." Maedhros conveniently ignores the question.

The War of Wrath has started, and the kidnap family is coming to an end. 

This is how the conversation went.

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meanwhile the world goes on by StarSpray

Following Maglor as he suffers through captivity in Dol Guldur, and his journey to healing afterward. 

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The Deeds of His Father by Zdenka

As Nargothrond reacts to Finrod's death, Celebrimbor secretly goes to Orodreth.

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Go On Aching Still by StarSpray

Troubled by dark dreams, Nerdanel picks up a palantír to seek for Maglor. She finds him. 

After, Maedhros has returned to life and also seeks for his brother--and also finds him.

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She Hath My Love (Drabbles about Women) by Elrond's Library

A collection of drabbles about women in Tolkien's Legendarium. 

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This is a Artwork fanwork

Gnome Tome Linguistics Meme by Artano

A meme created for the prompt: ''It is false to make Dwarves [?uncreative] or poor linguists.'' for the Gnome Tome and Jubilee challenges

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Solstice Shenanigans by Artano

Maglor prepares for the Winter Solstice celebration, but Elrond and Elros disagree with his choice of clothing.

Or: in which the Noldor invented waistcoats

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Dreams Fade at Dawn by Zdenka

Annatar sets off on a journey, challenging Celebrimbor to create something in his absence. Later, Celebrimbor uses the Ring of Air for the first time.

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"An Elopement With Life": The Spectacular Fading of Celebrían by Zara BalrogBalls

An Elopement with Life is a 9-part essay collection that intertwines literary fan/fiction with the nonfiction essay form, exploring the idea of a Celebrían who stays in Middle Earth. The fictional narrative follows a year in the life of Celebrían who, across conversations with various 'lost women' of the legendarium, makes the deliberate choice to not-sail to Valinor. The essays engage with historiography, investigative environmental journalism, and critical queer/disability theory to unpack how mythic and literary narratives shape our understanding of loss, resilience, and reclamation. 

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Despair and Defiance by Zdenka

Celebrimbor comes to Galadriel with word of Annatar’s betrayal, and offers her a gift.

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Promises by Erdariel

The night before the Last Alliance leaves Rivendell, Elendil has a conversation with Isildur's wife and leaves something in her keeping

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Rowan — Refuge by Himring

A victim of one of Saruman's attempts to interbreed orcs and humans becomes fully aware of the reality of her situation and manages to escape into the borders of Fangorn.
The pursuit is close behind and she is panicking.

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Scatha's Bed by Himring

Like Smaug, Scatha, a great cold-drake of the North, keeps track of his hoard.

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Of Circles and Cycles by Anérea

A thoughtful young girl of about eight, Andreth comes to live with Adanel and begins learning her lore...
(part of a W in very slow P series)

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Tyelkormo's Great Escape by Aprilertuile

Tyelkormo was currently outside the house, hiding from his mother.

It was nearly winter and every winter was peak matchmaking activity time in Tirion’s palace. So Nerdanel focused more on her sons at this period since she wanted them to make a good impression so they could find a good wife as was proper for young adult elves. 

Alas, Tyelkormo didn’t want that. 

Works for the Sitcom Bingo : We need a distraction, Failure is the Only Option, and getting volunteered (poor Makalaurë's dramatic so he enjoys being volunteered, worry not, no minstrel was harmed in the writing of this fic).

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The Obstinate Spirit Of A Dying House by Gabriel

After an attempt on the High King's life, Celebrimbor realizes his priorities.

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Sprinkles of Snow by Tamatoa

Instadrabbling from the discord event in January 2025.

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Torchsong by Dawn Felagund, Elleth

Maglor performs the Noldolantë and the room reacts.

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Celebrimbor: 30-Day Character Study by cloudyhymns

Notes and writings on Celebrimbor, following the 30-Day Character Study challenge prompts.

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