Flashes of Fancy by heget

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Fanwork Notes

I did almost every prompt twice - some are spoilers or conected to various other stories of mine or the seeds of eventual stories, as noted.


Fanwork Information


All the instadrabbles (100 words or less) written for the SWG Discord event on November 18th. 

Major Characters: Andreth, Beren, Daeron, Elu Thingol, Elwing, Finwë, Ingwë, Ingwion, Lúthien Tinúviel, Míriel Serindë, Original Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: General


Rating: General

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 17 Word Count: 1, 605
Posted on 20 November 2018 Updated on 20 November 2018

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Show all chapters on a single page

Table of Contents

Prompt: strong, forest, borne, fled


Prompt: strong, forest, borne, fled

When Elwing hears that "Remembrance of Elu" was reborn, she thought it was her brothers. Instead, she found an uncle. 

Prompt: fragrant,  bustle, refused, hastened

Preview and a scene perspective flip for the upcomign final chapter of "Release from Bondage"

Prompt: fragrant,  bustle, refused, hastened

Calvary charges are vastly overrated.

Propmt: heart stroke encounter fire

The three returned from Valinor to a task that would not be easy. 

Prompt: heart stroke encounter fire

Fân paints for his friend.

Prompt: dim, clash, rough, wind

Prequel to the previous drabble

Prompt: dim, clash, rough, wind

Turgon was the one everyone actually liked.

Prompt: bleak, snow, scurry, breath

Bledda, my Bór OC, from Revenant and Bledda and the Beast, facing the north.

Prompt: bleak, snow, scurry, breath

Andreth's flower crowns

Prompt: star, martyr, box, sunset

Ingwë is a cat person.

Prompt: star, martyr, box sunset

Long-promised, the Daeron/Míriel pairing

Prompt: binomial, chocolate, world, tree

Tacholdir won't be easily replaced.

Prompt: binomial, chocolate, world, tree


Prompt: river, scar, book, hollow

Alqualondë long afterward

Prompt: river, scar, book, hollow

A king comes too late to save a king.

Prompt: seedling, last,  rekindle, shadow

Ten years after the Meiji Restoration - wait, I mean, the Kin-strife of Gondor...

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