Fanworks Tagged with Lúthien Tinúviel

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Instadrabbles (delayed dribbles) by 0ur_Ouroboros

A selection of brief writings (mostly conforming to drabbles but some veer into dribble territory) from the SWG events on January 18-19, 2025.

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It's about pride by Aprilertuile

The text below is born of a conversation I had with a friend irl, in which she said she'd love to have an epic love story the like of Beren and Luthien (We're both fans of Tolkien so...)

Only the way I read it, the story of Beren and Luthien is not about love, but about pride: It's an epic lesson on the subject of pride and greed. 

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Beyond your hope I will return to you, always by Himring

Beren has tried to leave Luthien behind and continue the quest alone. Together with Huan, Luthien tracks him down.

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Triptych, II by Grundy

Three vignettes, three times Luthien thinks about Treelight and Silmarils.

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Collection of Potluck Drabbles by Artano

This is a collection of true drabbles completed for the 'Four Words' drabble bingo card.

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Shadow's Scribbles 2024 by daughterofshadows

My collection of Scribbles & Drabbles Arts for 2024!

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Until the final flicker of life’s embers by Quente

Dior did not see the arrow until it pierced his own flesh, a hard thrust of a point entering his back and blossoming out of his heart. The pain of the wound, and the feeling of his body in uncertain panic around it, was almost secondary to his curiosity.

Now what?

Dior felt strangely detached, as if he had stepped out of his body. He watched himself fall over the body of the Golodh he’d slain. Dior had worn no helm nor armor that day – and he saw his hair fan out to cover them both. They died together in the dark cloak of it.

Dior’s eyes closed, and all was dark.


And then Dior opened his eyes.

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Meet Me In The Woods (We'll Make Beautiful Music Together) by cuarthol

Lúthien escapes Menegroth for a clandestine meeting in the woods.

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On the Way Home by silmalope

Doriath Family Reunion AU: Túrin twisted his ankle in the woods, and big sister Lúthien is giving him a ride home. :)

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The Lost Poems of Beren by Archivist

The Lost Poems of Beren is a rare and mystical collection of long-forgotten poems, believed to be written by Beren himself during his timeless love affair with Lúthien Tinúviel. Discovered deep within the ruins of Eregion and painstakingly translated from the ancient Elvish tongue, these ethereal verses speak of longing, love, and the enchanted realms beneath the stars.

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Funky Haikus by Himring

Haikus for prompts of the Funky 70's challenge.

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The leaves were long, the grass was green by Quente

The Giving Tree, but Beren and Luthien. Written for the Tengwar prompt, “Aldi.”

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Meet & Greet by cuarthol

Matryoshka inspired art for the Meet & Greet Challenge

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Than All the Roses of the World by StarSpray

And even after he and Lúthien settled in Tol Galen, where the air smelled of roses and pine and the nightingales sang merrily through the summertime, word of the outside word came in bits and pieces, often many years late.

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Broken Silver by Narya

Sometimes the history books can't be trusted. Celegorm/Lúthien; canon divergence AU in which the butterfly flaps its wings.

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(Not So) Cheap Sunglasses by UnicornsInSpace

In a modern/all human AU, Celeborn meets Galadriel while going to eat with his family and is smitten.

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Release by Rocky41_7

Melkor's servant Thuringwethil is turned from her dark path by Luthien Tinuviel

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Documents from Doriath in Rivendell's Library by UnicornsInSpace

Small pieces of the Silm told through documents from Doriath.

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Drabble Collection: Experimental Challenge by mairoff

11 Drabbles for the Experimental Challenge.

  • Melkor x Fluithuin
  • Maglor x Daeron
  • Mairon & Melian
  • Eönwë x Arien
  • Galadriel x Luthien
  • Mairon x Arien
  • Sons of Fëanor
  • Maedhros x Mairon
  • Fëanor & Nolofinwë
  • Maiar of Ulmo
  • Aulë & Tevildo

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You better you bet by daughterofshadows

A moodboard for a Celegorm/Lúthien Modern AU inspired by the song You better you bet by The Who.

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A Taste of Royal Blood by Rocky41_7

Thuringwethil expected she had signed her doom when she let the princess of Doriath go free. But she may have saved herself in the process.

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Sandbox Love by Rocky41_7

Galadriel felt she had a well-matched friend in Princess Luthien, and she did not expect that ever to change.

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Betrayed by LadySternchen

Lúthien thinks she can trust her best friend- until she is proven wrong. 

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Along Came an Elf by dalliansss

After Oromë sends a Hunting Party to investigate the reports of proliferation of fell beasts far in South Aman, the entire errand goes horrifically wrong. Celegorm was prepared to die a grisly death, yet he dares to beg the Great Void Spider to spare his life, which to his surprise, the request is heeded. Then comes the most unlikely partnership and friendship in all of Arda, and its unexpected consequences.

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Was Dancing There by StarSpray

Elrond loved most the scene painted behind their mother’s seat, a green forest glade decked with hemlock umbels and delicate niphredil, and Lúthien dancing in the center, her skirts blue as the morning sky and her hair like a dark shadow swirling around her as she spun, hands uplifted.

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