Shadow's Scribbles 2024 by daughterofshadows

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


My collection of Scribbles & Drabbles Arts for 2024!

Major Characters: Círdan, Belladonna Took Baggins, Fëanor, Celegorm, Lúthien Tinúviel, Nerdanel, Rog, Penlod

Major Relationships: Fëanor/Nerdanel


Type: Mixed Media, Moodboard/Collage


Rating: General


Posted on 7 November 2024 Updated on 7 November 2024

Asexual Pride

The first two arts in this are moodboards I made to encourage authors to explore aromantic and asexual headcanons in Tolkien.

It's a topic I'm very passionate about, and I love seeing more representation in the fandom!

 Asexual Pride moodboard: Three rows of images. Row 1: An image of shiny, black, wrinkled cloth. An image of black marble with white veins. An image of white smoke on a black background. 4 coloured boxes in vertical order in black, grey, white and purple, symbolising the ace pride flag. Row 2: An image of white marble with grey veins. An image of a black forest with mist rising above it. An image of grey leather. An image of grey clouds. Row 3: An image of purple and pink clouds with moons hidden behind it.

Aromantic Pride

Aromantic moodboard: 16 images in different sizes. From left to right, top to bottom: An image of a green-leafed plant. An image of mossy rocks with a waterfall. An image of a light-green forest. An image of a green aurora. An image of dark-green woods. An image of a path through a sunlit forest. An image of a daisy. An image of a black forest with mist rising above it. An image of grey and white clouds. An image of the aromantic pride flag. An image of green fern. An image of dark-green leaves. An image of

Círdan's Last Journey

This art shows Círdan’s ship at the edge of the Straight Road on his journey to Valinor. The colour scheme matches the aro-ace flag because I headcanon Círdan as aro-ace.

A coloured pencil drawing of an orange and yellow sky and a blue ocean. In the centre a white oval was left empty. A drawn digital graphic of a sailing ship was placed there.

Travelling Feet

An art about Belladonna Took's adventures, inviting you to think about her travels!

A digital collage on brown paper with ripped edges. 5 photos are included. A photo of a sandy beach and the ocean. A photo of a hand holding a small pink flower. A photo of a dark-haired woman with a flower crown and a white t-shirt. A photo of a valley between two stony mountain sides with a small river running through. A photo of a path lined with lavender plants. There is also some text that reads “Travelling Feet” in black lines on white background.

Penlod of Gondolin

Genderfluid Penlod Time!

It was so difficult to find some nice pictures of towers!

A digital collage titled “Penlod of Gondolin” in a text box in the top left corner. The collage consists of four other images. A pillar made of stone in the bottom left corner, red leaves covered in snow in the bottom right corner, a stone tower covered in ivy in the top right corner and the genderfluid prideflag in the middle (consists of five horizontal stripes which are in descending order: light-pink, white, magenta, black and dark blue).

Heart of Imladris

A genius loci AU where Imladris develops a consciousness.

4 images on a moodboard. A photograph of a bookshelf containing many old books. A photograph of a dark-haired woman. There are flecks of light raining down on her. A screen-grab of Imladris from the LotR/Hobbit Jackson movies. A photograph of unopened flower buds.

Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious

A Modern Day AU for Nerdanel and Feanor, based on the song Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious by The Amazing Devil.

A digital collage containing five photographs and a text field. The five photographs. Top left: A cup of coffee and a piece of cake. Top right: A photograph of the inside of a library, with lots of shelves and a few desks. Bottom right: A photograph of a woman with red hair and a white shirt. Bottom centre: A photograph of a man with a red knitted hat writing on blackboard. Bottom right: A photograph of two stacks of books. The text in the centre right reads “Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious”

Kitten Chaos

This is about cat-dad Feanor and his seven kitten sons. Feanor decides Nerdanel looks like a good home for his little family, and no, she doesn’t get a say in that.

It's also because Zhie has a thing on the S&D website about nobody having submitted cat!Feanor yet and this is my second year with cat!Feanor. I'm waiting to see how long it takes until she notices XD

A moodboard with 6 pictures of various cats and kittens and a text reading “Kitten Chaos” in the bottom right corner. Top left: Black and white tuxedo cat. Top middle: three kittens cuddling. a blond one, a tri-coloured one and a grey and white one. Top right: A ginger kitten being held in a hand. Bottom left: A person in a knitted sweater holding another tuxedo cat. Centre: a ginger kitten lying on a blanket. Bottom centre: Another ginger kitten lying down, front paws crossed.

Heraldry for the Hammer of Wrath

It's my favourite blorbo Rog! Of course I couldn't submit something without including my darling in one art at least!

In the centre of this image is a shield with three points at the top, a red background and two black crossed hammers in the centre. The corners are coloured in various shades of red and orange, made to look like watercolours.

Chapter End Notes

Coat of Arms created with 

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