Fanworks Tagged with Celegorm

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The Suffering of Maedhros by Annatar_Targaryen

Maedhros, eldest son of Feanor, is captured by Morgoth and chained to the cliffs of Thargorodrim by his order. There is no hope of rescue until his dearest friend appears. (one-shot)

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Tyelkormo's Great Escape by Aprilertuile

Tyelkormo was currently outside the house, hiding from his mother.

It was nearly winter and every winter was peak matchmaking activity time in Tirion’s palace. So Nerdanel focused more on her sons at this period since she wanted them to make a good impression so they could find a good wife as was proper for young adult elves. 

Alas, Tyelkormo didn’t want that. 

Works for the Sitcom Bingo : We need a distraction, Failure is the Only Option, and getting volunteered (poor Makalaurë's dramatic so he enjoys being volunteered, worry not, no minstrel was harmed in the writing of this fic).

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Warm air but chilly water by Aprilertuile

Telperion’s light was bathing Oromë’s Wood in a quiet and eerie atmosphere that Tyelkormo loved. He alone among the elves was awake at this time of the night... 

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Bedtime Stories by Anérea

Just a few of my favourite podfics that I've found soothing for bedtime (or middle of the night, or any time really) listening.

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Triptych, II by Grundy

Three vignettes, three times Luthien thinks about Treelight and Silmarils.

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Silhouettes of Doom by Ecthelion


"At least we have learned that the sons of Fëanor can die too." Nine POVs, one matter - a story about the kinslaying in Doriath.

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Merry Midwinter by Aprilertuile

Snippets of life of a midwinter in Fëanáro and Nerdanel's household in Valinor, during the Age of the Trees. 

Prompts will be as follow, taken from the Midwinter Bingo card (board by AdmirableMonster) : 

Family ; Carols and Singing ; Death and rebirth ; Candles ; Sledding 

Promps taken from the Fluffy Bingo Card (board by DaughterofShadows): 

Falling Asleep ; Hot Chocolate

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Collection of Potluck Drabbles by Artano

This is a collection of true drabbles completed for the 'Four Words' drabble bingo card.

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A Collection of Maps Exhibiting the Changing Political Landscape in Beleriand by Artano

Created for the 'Geography/Maps/Places' prompt on the "Tolkien meta" bingo board, this is a collection of maps marked with the various people groups showing how they arrived and moved about Beleriand.  This collection focuses specifically on the time from the arrival of the Teleri, Vanyar, and Noldor before they went to Aman up to the distribution of the various kingdoms after the Flight of the Noldor, when they arrived in Middle-earth and settled there.

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Shadow's Scribbles 2024 by daughterofshadows

My collection of Scribbles & Drabbles Arts for 2024!

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where the water makes no sound by queerofthedagger

“Do you think,” Aredhel starts, her tone idle as she wraps the last strip of fabric around his shoulder and ties it tight, “that killing your husband weighs lighter or heavier than slaying your kin?”

Celegorm freezes, his throat going dry. She does not move away, her dark eyes unforgiving upon him.

“That depends,” he finally says, catching her wrist before she can snatch her hand away. “Did you love him?”

Aredhel had visited Himlad. Celegorm decides to find out why.

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Between Ruinous Dusk and Restless Dawn by queerofthedagger

His gaze, inevitably, is drawn back to Finrod, the marred beauty of him. It has not been Curufin who ruined him so—had not been Curufin who had dragged him out of Nargothrond and into the wolf’s den, who had let Finrod protect him with his life. And yet.

And yet it feels oddly fitting, that such a ruined thing should be Curufin’s.

Through careful manoeuvring and a few lucky coincidences, Curufin saves Finrod's life without having to admit to anything so humiliating as having emotions. Contrary to what one would expect, this does not make things all that much easier.

Alternatively: Curufin lies, Finrod lives, and somehow they do still manage to figure it out, for better or for worse.

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Celegorm - Treelight in his eyes by Gabriel

Character portrait of Celegorm Feanorian

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Temper, temper... by Aprilertuile

Maglor hit some musical difficulties and snaps.

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Long live the King by Aprilertuile

Fëanáro was dead.
Maitimo was gone to parley with Moringotto.

The remaining brothers were restless.

In other words, Makalaurë's time as king of the Noldor in Beleriand, as seen through Tyelkormo's eyes.
Long live the king, may he stop singing sometimes soon.

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Toward Beleriand by Aprilertuile

After the disaster in Alqualondë, the house of Fëanor had stolen the ships and left by sea.
A storm was raging, and on a ship with at least one of his siblings, Tyelkormo was taking care of Huan... And thinking.

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From good to bad by Aprilertuile

Tyelkormo is a faithful follower of Oromë. He knows his father would disapprove on principle alone.

This story is his point of view on the events leading to the noldor's exile.

Very biased opinion.

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Celegorm by Aprilertuile

"And a hunter also was Celegorm, who in Valinor was a friend of Oromë, and often followed the Vala's horn." The Silmarillion, chapter 5

Celegorm started his life, trusting Oromë, having faith in a Vala.
What does it mean for the rebellion? What happened?
And his life in Beleriand?

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friendship and a harp by Aprilertuile

Tyelkormo wasn't supposed to be in his wood trying to teach unteachable baby hunters, Oromë was pretty sure.

No seriousness inside.
Murder of a harp mentionned.

Prompt Harp for Back to Middle-Earth Month 2024

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The start of a beautiful friendship by Aprilertuile

Once upon a time, before the darkening of Valinor, a young hunter goes to Oromë to learn... And meet one who would be a dear companion until life, oaths and tragedy separates them.

This story is their meeting

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Atarinkë by clotho123

Celegorm reflects on Curufin, Aredhel and Celebrimbor.

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Tengwar Drabbles by cílil

A collection of Silmarillion-centric drabbles written for the Tengwar Challenge. Short and sweet!

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"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

Fics written for the "Tengwar" challenge.

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