Fanworks Tagged with Celegorm

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To Be A Son of Feanor by Luxa

Findekáno glances at his cousin, his best friend, the one he's risked life and limb to find and save, only to bring him back to find he hasn't saved him at all. Maitimo's dull eyes are unfocused and don't react to the voices speaking in hushed tones around him. The Maitimo he knew is gone, replaced by a puppet with empty eyes.

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A Brother's Gift by Elisif

An explorative response to the question "why didn't Curufin ever make Maedhros a mechanical hand"?

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Roads not Taken by clotho123

These five short vignettes are AUs that might have been canon.  Each of them takes an idea that was conceived and then abandoned by Tolkien, and builds a brief scene on it. 

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Cook Wanted by Alquien

Cooking for a large family is harder than it may seem.

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Dual Number by Acharion

We all know about the twins Elladan and Elrohir. But what about the other twins in Middle Earth? Erestor has encountered not one, but four sets of twins while serving the Noldor: The sons of Fëanor, Dior, Eärendil, and Elrond.

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House of Finwë drabbles by clotho123

Thirty-one drabbles, each from the point of view of a different member of the House of Finwë

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The Beginning of the End by Urloth

How Liltafinwë Tyelkormion lost his father and became Gildor Inglorion.

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Tengwa malta by Sky

A mosaic of memories of the Elder Days

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Five things Celegorm fixed for Celebrimbor and the one thing he couldn't. by Urloth

Celegorm was his favourite uncle for a reason. That was why it hurt the most.

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Refusing Every Offer. by Urloth

The stubbon pride of Celegorm endures, even after death.

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50 Prompts: AU Silmarillion by Urloth

50 Prompts resulting in 50 AU Silmarillion based or related drabbles or ficlets.

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Cold stars heave up and black birds migrate. by Urloth

"Sire….please! You came for the boats but… but can you sail them?"

At Alqualondë the Noldor found that there were unexpected helping hands waiting for them. Hands that trimmed the sails, manned the rudder and guided ill-gotten swan-ships to the Twilight Lands.


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Take a Bow by Zaatar

In the wake of Alqualondë and Finarfin's departure, Fëanor shores up power and Finrod must prove his loyalty.

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The Thought by Rhapsody

That the relationship between Fëanor and Nernadel had its ups and downs is no secret, but what kind of impact did it have on their third son?

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Rolling in the Deep by Rhapsody

On board of a swan ship, Celegorm is isolated from his brothers and father. As he deals with the aftermath of his first battle as a man changed, his fate is sealed.

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Swift music like an enchantment by Kimberleighe

A brief moment between cousins and friends at one of Tirion's many festivals. 


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The Critic by oshun

In the bliss of Valinor in the Years of the Trees, Maglor plays a new song for Aredhel and Celegorm. It is mainly about the suffering of the artist unappreciated by the Philistines closest to him. Oh, yes, I like these two cousins together also. Tolkien hooked me when he said of Aredhel, “There she was often in the company of the sons of Fëanor, her kin; but to none was her heart's love given.” Ah, I see. But it could have been. Then he sends her later on to leave Gondolin, set upon visiting Celegorm. Obviously, they were wildly infatuated with one another in their youth. The story is still Gen Fic at its heart.

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The Tale of Melilaurë and Mélaurel by Iavalir

Under the roof of misfortune, an elven lord and a servant unite in their love, against the customs of the Eldar. But their bond is entangled in the curse of the once-respected family, and the slightest move out of line could cost them both. 

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Amras and the Elements by Iavalir

A series of fanfiction involving Amras and the elements.

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A Great Friendship in Every Need by Urloth

They were all children once, and played as children do. Cousins played games with cousins without the undercurrents of discontent between their fathers ruining the golden days spent in their grandfather's garden. There were secrets, though, even then but they did not care about them.


Of course those days are as dead as that much beloved grandfather and Finrod barely thinks of the time he was little Finda in a child's frock, clinging to Tyelkormo's skirt with Carnistir's hand stuck to his, as they braved the "wilderness" of Míriel's garden.


It seems though that there are some final lessons to be learnt, some final games to be played and a secret or two to discover that should have been left alone. 


In Nargothrond Finrod Felagund is both the unwitting architect and witness to the final, dying gasp of Fëanorian innocence.

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A Good Servant by talktob3cks

The evil servants of Celegorm reflect on their deeds at Doriath.

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Indy's B2MeM Stories by Independence1776

A collection of my Back to Middle-earth Month stories. Each chapter is a different year.

2019: Maglor visits Elrond after Gil-galad's death. Triple drabble.

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In Dreams, To Whom I Never Have by wind rider


Sometimes the dream that comes true is more horrifying than the dream itself, and living the said dream is even worse. A seven-year-old Ginny Weasley experiences that first-hand. But perhaps, there will still be a silver-lining even in the worst situation?

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Justice and Death by Gwenniel

There are Oaths that need to be fulfilled, there are quests that cannot be avoided. Caranthir knows that a sooner or later he and his brothers have to go to Doriath to regain the Silmaril.

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