The Naughty Secrets of Oromë's Woods by Amaranth

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Fanwork Notes

Written for Chaotic Binky’s Valinor Awards for the category “Best Inappropriate Use of Plants Story”.

Beta: Chaotic Binky

Disclaimer: The characters and settings of Middle-earth belong to Tolkien and/or his estate; I'm just borrowing them and make no profit.

Fanwork Information


The depth of the forest hides many secrets...

Set in Valinor during the Years of the Trees, thus names in Quenya. Celegorm is still young, though definitively of age.

Major Characters: Celegorm, Oromë

Major Relationships:

Genre: Erotica, Slash/Femslash


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Expletive Language, Sexual Content (Graphic)

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 707
Posted on 8 October 2013 Updated on 8 October 2013

This fanwork is complete.

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