My Wish for You by kiniro-no-hana

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


A young Macalaure reveals that he has more in common with his mother than she would like, and together they encounter fear in the quiet of Telperion's light.


Major Characters: Celegorm, Fëanor, Maedhros, Maglor, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, General


Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 505
Posted on 18 January 2014 Updated on 18 January 2014

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

First of all, thank you for reading this, I hope it will meet your expectations! Secondly, I regret my inability to write happy things for this fandom. Will be following up with a second chapter fluffier than an Angora rabbit to remedy this.

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