Fanworks Tagged with Maglor

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On Pleading, and An Older Brother by awwyeah107

A oneshot on the complex relationship of Maglor, Maedhros, and giving.

For Maedhros & Maglor Week 2025.

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A Rude Awakening by awwyeah107

It was well-established knowledge amongst all their brothers that if they did something that made Makalaurë suitably upset, he would retaliate by playing his pipes very early outside the offending brother’s window.

However, while Maitimo was certain that he had done something to earn this assault on his ears, he could not for the life of him figure out what it was.

(In which Maitimo is the latest victim of Makalaurë’s early morning bagpipe playing.)

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Deeds of pity are ever strange by 0ur_Ouroboros

“Forswear the oath, then!” Elrond raises his voice. 

“The oath was sworn in the name of Ilúvatar,” Maedhros explains. “It cannot be broken, lest we be doomed to everlasting darkness.”

“Seems to me you're both f****d either way,” Elros says. “So what's the harm in asking?”

"Elros, I will not tolerate that language in my halls. For someone of your stature, it's unbecoming." Maedhros conveniently ignores the question.

The War of Wrath has started, and the kidnap family is coming to an end. 

This is how the conversation went.

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That Bard from Doriath by Flora-lass

Maglor, Fingon and Finrod go for a picnic, and Maglor is in a bad mood. Written for the Dark Matter challenge prompt: 'the letter E'.

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Lay the Heart Bare, Leaf by Leaf by IdleLeaves

A collection of flashfic, drabbles, and snippets.

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meanwhile the world goes on by StarSpray

Following Maglor as he suffers through captivity in Dol Guldur, and his journey to healing afterward. 

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The Warrior and the Stone by 0ur_Ouroboros

“They left everything behind? All of their families?” Elrond asks.
“All for a magic stone?” he asks.
“Yes. A very special, very magical stone,” Maglor says, unsure why he should have to justify his deeds to a child.

Maglor tells Elrond and Elros a story. Maedhros listens.

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Becoming (Maedhros & Maglor Week 2025) by 0ur_Ouroboros

Drabbles created (and now polished) from February 15, 2025 Maedhros & Maglor week-themed Instadrabbling session)

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Go On Aching Still by StarSpray

Troubled by dark dreams, Nerdanel picks up a palantír to seek for Maglor. She finds him. 

After, Maedhros has returned to life and also seeks for his brother--and also finds him.

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Solstice Shenanigans by Artano

Maglor prepares for the Winter Solstice celebration, but Elrond and Elros disagree with his choice of clothing.

Or: in which the Noldor invented waistcoats

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Tyelkormo's Great Escape by Aprilertuile

Tyelkormo was currently outside the house, hiding from his mother.

It was nearly winter and every winter was peak matchmaking activity time in Tirion’s palace. So Nerdanel focused more on her sons at this period since she wanted them to make a good impression so they could find a good wife as was proper for young adult elves. 

Alas, Tyelkormo didn’t want that. 

Works for the Sitcom Bingo : We need a distraction, Failure is the Only Option, and getting volunteered (poor Makalaurë's dramatic so he enjoys being volunteered, worry not, no minstrel was harmed in the writing of this fic).

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Instadrabbles (delayed dribbles) by 0ur_Ouroboros

A selection of brief writings (mostly conforming to drabbles but some veer into dribble territory) from the SWG events on January 18-19, 2025.

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Hot Chocolate by Artano

Short interaction between Maedhros and Caranthir, written during an instadrabbling session.

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Competition by Artano

Finrod answers a tutor's question before Caranthir can

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Maglor and Daeron's Not-So-Excellent-But-Kind-Of-Fun Adventure by Independence1776

Maglor, a Jedi, gets roped into investigating the theft of the Silmarilli and some Sindarin treasures. His partner? The Singer Daeron.

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Jedi Maglor & Singer Daeron by Independence1776

The adventure(s) of Jedi Maglor and Singer Daeron.

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Sing before you can speak by Aprilertuile

Maitimo held his baby brother in his arms, and was surprised when the baby started to emit a melodious sound. 

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Jubilee by polutropos

Ficlets for the Jubilee Challenge instadrabbling. 

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May you live in interesting times by 0ur_Ouroboros

There is no escaping guilt.


Maedhros finds another orphan in the woods.

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Freedom, Escape by StarSpray

“Elrond!” Elros screamed, and Elrond had time to see him being held back by Bregolon before everything went topsy-turvy, and the underbrush closed around him, branches and leaves slapping at his face. His head bounced against hard metal, and through the confusion he realized—too slowly—that it had not been one of their party who had grabbed him, but one of the orcs. 

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Clear Pebbles of the Rain by StarSpray

But at the very end of the letter she spoke of one more prisoner that Elladan and Elrohir had discovered in one of the deepest dungeons of Dol Guldur, locked away behind a door unopened in so long that the hinges had rusted. 

Maglor has been rescued from Dol Guldur, and now faces a long road of healing.

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Bedtime Stories by Anérea

Just a few of my favourite podfics that I've found soothing for bedtime (or middle of the night, or any time really) listening.

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The Spirit of the Mountain by Elrond's Library

The mountain has always been a place of growth and safety and memory. It will stand in the face of war and water, fated to last until the end of Arda. The spirit of Himring will watch, and remember.
Or - the history of Arda through the eyes of Himring personified.

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Unhappy Into Woe by StarSpray

Maglor's wanderings take him up the Anduin, where orcs find him and take him to Dol Guldur--where the Necromancer dwells. 

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Flower Song by StarSpray

As Lúcellë entered the courtyard, which was missing the fountain that had been there previously, instead sporting a much less attractive hole in the ground—clearly awaiting a new creation, whenever Fëanáro or Nerdanel managed to finish it—a young voice called out to her from above. “Aunt Lúcellë!” She looked up to find Macalaurë hanging out of a window, waving, with his dark hair falling over his shoulders and into his eyes. 

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