Fanworks Tagged with Moodboard/Collage

Moods of Tarn Aeluin by Anérea

Two moodboards depicting Tarn Aeluin 

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Shadow's Scribbles 2024 by daughterofshadows

My collection of Scribbles & Drabbles Arts for 2024!

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TRSB24: Until the Stars Are All Alight by Lathalea

This is my second art entry for the TRSB24 event. It focuses on Thorin Oakenshield surviving BOTFA and darker themes of pyrrhic victory, dragon sickness, longevity/eternity, angst/love.

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TRSB24: Dwarf Women of the East by Lathalea

This is one of my art entries for the TRSB24 event. It focuses on the Dwarves living in the East, specifically Dwarf-women.

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"Tengwar" artworks by chrissystriped

Artworks created for the "Tengwar" challenge

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Oh Maedhros, don't look back in anger by Varda delle Stelle

A moodboard retelling the major events in Maedhros' life from Valinor to his death in Beleriand

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You better you bet by daughterofshadows

A moodboard for a Celegorm/Lúthien Modern AU inspired by the song You better you bet by The Who.

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Shadow's Scribbles 2022 by daughterofshadows

Artwork for Scribbles & Drabbles 2022

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A Passing Thing by Narya

A moodboard created for TRSB23, inspired by the Tolkien biopic.

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Risk of the Day by Independence1776

My second moodboard for TRSB 2023: a rule 63 Maglor in space AU.

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Maglor tortured moodboard by Independence1776

Moodboard for TRSB 2023, wherein I request Maglor to be tortured. The collage is not graphic, but does contain images of torture implements or things that can be used as such.

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Shadow's Scribbles 2023 - Hobbit & LotR Edition by daughterofshadows

The gallery for my Lord of the Rings and Hobbit inspired Scribbles & Drabbles 2023 art.

Some cracky, some serious, mostly dwarves and hobbits.

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Shadow's Scribbles 2023 - Silmarillion Edition by daughterofshadows

The gallery of my Silmarillion themed arts for Scribbles & Drabbles 2023. Featuring a myriad of characters and art types.

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Smith’s Faery by Independence1776

A moodboard inspired by Faery.

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Elrohir/Lindir moodboard by Independence1776

An Elrohir/Lindir moodboard in memory of Keiliss, using one of her prompts from Ardor in August.

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After The Fall by Grundy

A moodboard showing the path of the survivors of Gondolin.

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The Wealth of Yavanna's Imagining by Grundy

A Yavanna moodboard featuring her creation of birds and other flying creatures.

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Angrod - Lord of Dorthonion by Gabriel

This artwork is a depiction of Angrod, son of Finarfin, and all that represents his life in Dorthonion. It is also a companion piece to a story I recently uploaded, 'Star In The Darkness.'

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Elrond in Ar-Pharazôn's Númenor by Independence1776

My second artwork for TRSB 2022. Elrond is secretly visiting Númenor during the reign of Ar-Pharazôn, years after Sauron’s capture, and is captured himself.

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Storm Season by Independence1776

My first artwork for TRSB 2022. Huan washes ashore in Fourth Age Harad, where Maglor has been living for decades.

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Autumn Reread by Independence1776

A moodboard for The Lord of the Rings.

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Calm and Storm by Independence1776

The Third Kinslaying: the calm before the storm and the aftereffects.

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Silmarillion as Space Opera by Independence1776

Evil Empire! Scrappy Rebel groups that have a similar overall goal and different ideas of the best way to achieve it! Different Elven cultures having unique styles of spaceships! Laser swords! Elven magic!

Maglor and his wife Calien (pictured) are on a scouting mission when they learn information that will lead them deep into the heart of Morgoth’s Empire: to the capital planet of Angband itself. They team up with Beren and Lúthien for the mission despite their groups’ differences.

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Off on an Adventure by Independence1776

A Hobbit lass off on an adventure in the East stumbles across a captive Maglor. Further adventures ensue. 

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