Elrohir/Lindir moodboard by Independence1776

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Fanwork Notes

Created in memory of Keiliss for "A Fandom Tribute to Keiliss" from her 2009 Ardor in August prompt: "Elrohir/Lindir. Nothing fancy, nothing pretentious, just tell me a story, something I can print off and snuggle down in bed with. I'd rather have a good G-rated fic than something depending on smut to fill the pages. Not essential, but if you like prompts: a tapestry, howling wind, the words 'rain bird from Mordor'. No sweet, gentle little Lindir (most musicians are neither)."

Fanwork Information


An Elrohir/Lindir moodboard in memory of Keiliss, using one of her prompts from Ardor in August.

Canon Source: Lord of the Rings

Major Characters: Elrohir, Lindir

Major Relationships: Elrohir/Lindir

Genre: Slash

Type: Moodboard/Collage


Rating: General


Posted on 22 February 2023 Updated on 23 February 2023

Elrohir/Lindir moodboard

All images are in the public domain. The bird is a Burchell's coucal, which has the "rainbird" nickname, and is found in southern Africa.

Six photos: Asian man with shoulder-length hair; bird sitting on a branch against a cloudy sky; wind blowing snow off a mountaintop;  woven tapestry of boats in water and houses on stilts; two wooden chairs silhouetted against a sunset; Asian musician resting a long wooden flute on his shoulder

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