Fanworks Tagged with Elrohir

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High in the Clean Blue Air by StarSpray

They passed out of Lhûn and the wider coastline of Middle-earth opened up before his eyes. He had wandered those shores for centuries, and even now he felt the pull of that same wanderlust, and knew he would miss them for the rest of his life. Their wildness, the untamed waves, the rocky shores and the cliffs and the sandy beaches. The gulls, and the dunes, and the tide pools with their ever-changing denizens. Someone began to sing a song of farewell, and other voices took it up. He did not join them. 

Maglor keeps a promise, and comes to Valinor, only to find the ghosts he thought he'd left behind are alive and waiting for him. 

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Paradox of the Fourth Age by Alassante

One wrong decision can make a world of difference. When one of the Fellowship makes the mistake, the consequences are so severe that only the Valar can repair it. But will they?

Glorfindel daughter's life is in Elrohir's hands and only she remembers th eir love for each other. The fate of Middle Earth depends on everyone walking their intended path.Torn between the past and the future, she is forbidden to warn them of any missteps.

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Changeling by Zara BalrogBalls

An epistolary series of unsent letters from Celeborn to Celebrían after her departure, chronicling the construction of a memorial garden in Lothlorien. 

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Clear Pebbles of the Rain by StarSpray

But at the very end of the letter she spoke of one more prisoner that Elladan and Elrohir had discovered in one of the deepest dungeons of Dol Guldur, locked away behind a door unopened in so long that the hinges had rusted. 

Maglor has been rescued from Dol Guldur, and now faces a long road of healing.

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Unhappy Into Woe by StarSpray

Maglor's wanderings take him up the Anduin, where orcs find him and take him to Dol Guldur--where the Necromancer dwells. 

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The adventures of tiny Crablor by Aprilertuile

Elrond sets out to go find Maglor, having a good feeling about it for once.
He finds Maglor... more changed than he thought he'd be...

A crablor story inspired by a fantastic art from Sortumavaara
Thank you for sharing your art.

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Shore Beyond the Shadowy Sea by Quente

In which Elfwine goes to sea to find himself, but finds Beleriand instead, and then finds himself.


Ulmo sends another human in a swan crest to Gondolin, with expected results.

  • This tale is a paean (and sequel of sorts) to Bunn’s work, the Undying Lands. This will have a few spoilers, so you might go and read this glorious work, and the one before it.
  • But long story short, Beleriand is back, and Fëanor might have built a few pathways between Middle-earth and Beleriand, just for fun.

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The Hands of the Prince by Valxyri

Someone is planting bombs in Minas Tirith.

Early in the Forth Age, when King Elessar's life is threatened, it is up to the young prince and an unlikely ally to bring down the threat to the realms of Men.

But in the chaos of a city rocked by violence, Prince Eldarion Telcontar will discover the true meaning of his inheritance.

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Northern Stars by Idrils Scribe

Aboard Galdor's warship, Glorfindel returns in triumph from a dangerous expedition deep into enemy territory. He has found Elrond's missing son, but all is not well: the Elf-child that was abducted by the Corsairs of Umbar is now a Man grown. War and darkness have left Elrohir deeply scarred, and he is not the mission's only casualty.

An alternate universe for the Under Strange Stars series, in which Elrohir goes with Glorfindel instead of running away from him after the events of Under Strange Stars. This story covers the events of ‘Northern Skies’, but it can be enjoyed without having read the original.

Many thanks to Grundy for all of her excellent beta-reading and brainstorming.e

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On the Starlit Sea by Idrils Scribe

An alternate universe for the Under Strange Stars series, in which Elrohir goes with Glorfindel instead of running away from him after the events of Under Strange Stars. Together, they journey from Harad's Great Desert into the heart of the Umbarian Empire, to the coast where Galdor’s swan-ship awaits to carry them home.

But danger lurks even on the high seas …

Many thanks to Grundy for all of her excellent beta-reading and brainstorming.

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By Dawn's Early Light by Grundy

Buffy wasn't the only one who thought something wasn't quite right when Dawn appeared.

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Clouds by Grundy

Young Elladan and Elrohir are at odds over something they read in a book. Glorfindel is called on to settle the matter.

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Wealth Enough of Joy by StarSpray

Elladan and Elrohir are born at twilight in summer.

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This is a Artwork fanwork

Elrohir/Lindir moodboard by Independence1776

An Elrohir/Lindir moodboard in memory of Keiliss, using one of her prompts from Ardor in August.

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And Now For Something Completely Different... by Grundy

The world changed when Sauron fell. Orcs have to adapt to survive, and the elves may have to try new things too.

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What Your Life Is by StarSpray

"Surely not." At the sound of his voice the great shaggy shape stirred, and turned its head. Behind him Asar called out, asking a question, but Maglor barely heard him. He fell to his knees in the wet sand, staring into eyes that gleamed with ancient Treelight and even older starlight. Then his face was being licked clean of tears by a giant tongue, and he was both laughing and crying as he flung his arms around the dog's shoulders, burying his face in wet fur, hardly caring that it was still crusted with sand that scraped against his cheeks. "Huan, what are you doing here?"

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Le prince des plaines by SonOfMandos

Vertbois-le-Grand s'assombrit. Les forces de Sauron se multiplient dans le royaume. Les Elfes sylvains s'affaiblissent. Avant qu'il ne soit trop tard, avant que le monde ne s'écroule complètement, Thranduil envoie son fils explorer la Terre du Milieu. Legolas n'a jamais quitté sa forêt. Le prince voyage et se joint aux Rangers du Nord, et son chemin croise celui des fils d'Elrond.

Elladan le suit.


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L'imbécillité by SonOfMandos

S’il y avait une chose qu’Erestor méprisait, c’était l’imbécillité.

Alors Erestor, une personne « comme il faut », s'est donné le droit de rouspéter.

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To Light the Solstice Fire by elfscribe

Elladan dreads receiving his grandmother’s embarrassing annual solstice gift. Humor.

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Snowmelt by Independence1776

A few decades after Celebrían's departure, Arwen returns home from Lothlórien.

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Treasure by Independence1776

Elladan and Elrohir find something Elrond doesn't expect.

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The Balrog by Independence1776

Glorfindel can survive a balrog, but can he survive the twins?

This was originally posted on in February 2005 and is being crossposted purely for archival purposes.

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Exactly Alike by polutropos

Amrod makes a gift for Amras. The story of how it is passed down through the ages, in snippets.

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Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

The home of my insta-drabbling pieces!

(and the odd drabble of undetermined origin)

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Winter Light by Idrils Scribe

It's the day before midwinter, and Elrohir and Glorfindel are training for the great Turuhalmë tournament. Five year old Arwen is a little hellion, but she gets her present all the same ...

Pure fluff-coated fluff with a rich fluffy filling and only the barest sprinkle of foreshadowing.

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