Fanworks Tagged with Lord of the Rings

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Rowan — Refuge by Himring

A victim of one of Saruman's attempts to interbreed orcs and humans becomes fully aware of the reality of her situation and manages to escape into the borders of Fangorn.
The pursuit is close behind and she is panicking.

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Scatha's Bed by Himring

Like Smaug, Scatha, a great cold-drake of the North, keeps track of his hoard.

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Seven Names by Anne Wolfe

Seven names a princess of Rohan and daughter of Helm Hammerhand might have borne, and the fates that accompany them.

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Homage to the Song of Durin by Flora-lass

Legolas is inspired by Gimli's song - and by Gimli himself.

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Staging a Battle by StarSpray

He and Diamond were visiting, though Pippin had been disappearing every afternoon, and taking Frodo and Elanor and most other lads and lasses in the neighborhood with him—though why they couldn’t use Pippin’s own pony, Sam couldn’t imagine.

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From whose bourn no traveller returns by losselen

So gathered they were to Bree, what lieutenants who could be spared, from their scattered watches west and east, for their chieftain had returned from his long sojourn in lands godless and mountains strange.

Aragorn returns from the South to tells his tales. Halbarad listens.

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Beneath the Mountains Music Woke by StarSpray

Inside the caves, though, few Men went, and the dwarves were busy as bees. Or perhaps ants. It was remarkable to watch them transform the place into a livable city while doing nothing to diminish the natural beauty.

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Making Gifts by StarSpray

Brandy Hall was a veritable warren, and there were many workshops and smithies and outbuildings attached to it. Drogo was always happy to have the potters’ workshop to himself on a quiet afternoon.

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Where She Wanders None Can Tell by Rocky41_7

Mithrellas would follow Nimrodel anywhere--even across the Sundering Seas--but fate has other things in store.

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This is a Series fanwork

Apr 1st Stories by Uvatha the Horseman

Once a year on April 1st, a canon character from LOTR or the Silmarillion gets pranked.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Crossing Forest River by Dawn Felagund

Bilbo recounts, in verse, the attempt of Gandalf, Beorn, and him to cross the Forest River after the Battle of Five Armies. Written for the Hungarian Tolkien Society's 2024 Mailing Competition.

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To those that go before by Quente

Éomer Éadig is dead, and Aragorn meditates on losing his friends.

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Sign of the Prancing Pony by Uvatha the Horseman

Bob and Nob, hobbit servants at the Prancing Pony, prank the famous tavern sign. Meanwhile, the people of Bree worry about minor threats - a dwarf sighting, a wolf's paw print, and the mysterious Rangers, while failing to notice the two extremely dangerous Nazgul who are sitting at the bar, drinking beer.

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Tale of the Crebain by Anne Wolfe

An origin story for the crebain, following a Dunlending OC. Written for the second B2MEM 2024 Drabble Race, for the prompt "bird nest".

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This is a Writing fanwork

I Comfort You by Flora-lass

This is more than inspired by sallysavestheday's 'Rash Words and Bitter Hopes' (see notes), in which Legolas and Gimli are riding together on Arod, towards Fangorn, and poor Legolas is seriously overwrought following the encounter with Eomer. My version might have qualified for last year's Understory challenge, if only it had been Silmfic!

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This is a Writing fanwork

Faramir's Verse by losselen

“Come, Faramir. Let us not stand in ceremony. I think words are due between you and I, and not only those between a King and his Steward.”

Faramir has speech with Gandalf and his King.

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This is a Writing fanwork

A Measure of Peace by StarSpray

Arwen sees that Frodo will not find real healing in Middle-earth, and seeks to do something about it.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Transmutation by sallysavestheday

Elladan and Elrohir reforge Narsil into Andúril, and finally find themselves.

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This is a Artwork fanwork

Anne Wolfe Scribbles and Drabbles Artwork 2023 by Anne Wolfe

Six art pieces for Scribbles and Drabbles 2023.

1. Shire Playing Cards
2. Northern Lights
3. Neon Sunset
4. Himling Isle on a Starless Night
5. Bird on the Water
6. Amras and Amrod in the Parent Trap

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Far Over the Misty Mountains by StarSpray

"I want to see mountains again--mountains, Gandalf!"

inspired by Tolkien's own drawing of the Misty Mountains, as seen on the Tolkien Estate's website.

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Elven Elements by Himring

Young Arwen and a very special necklace.

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This is a Artwork fanwork

The Round Sun is Falling by StarSpray

My piece for Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2023! This is my first year participating as an artist and I'm very excited.

The title comes from Legolas' song in ROTK; Zhie wrote the accompanying fic Never and Forever, featuring Legolas and Thranduil!

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Shadow's Scribbles 2023 - Hobbit & LotR Edition by daughterofshadows

The gallery for my Lord of the Rings and Hobbit inspired Scribbles & Drabbles 2023 art.

Some cracky, some serious, mostly dwarves and hobbits.

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