Fanworks Tagged with Lindir

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The adventures of tiny Crablor by Aprilertuile

Elrond sets out to go find Maglor, having a good feeling about it for once.
He finds Maglor... more changed than he thought he'd be...

A crablor story inspired by a fantastic art from Sortumavaara
Thank you for sharing your art.

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Elrohir/Lindir moodboard by Independence1776

An Elrohir/Lindir moodboard in memory of Keiliss, using one of her prompts from Ardor in August.

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Description of a Frieze in the Temple of Melkor at Armenelos by Sarbanes Oxley

A translation of a description of a frieze in the antechamber of the Temple of Melkor at Armenelos by Lindir of Rivendell.

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L'imbécillité by SonOfMandos

S’il y avait une chose qu’Erestor méprisait, c’était l’imbécillité.

Alors Erestor, une personne « comme il faut », s'est donné le droit de rouspéter.

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The Seven Gates by Laerthel

The impossible happened – a Silmaril has been stolen from Morgoth’s crown. Maedhros decides to reunite the People of Beleriand against the Enemy and attack him while he is still unprepared (which is by no means less impossible). Meanwhile, in the hidden city of Gondolin, Lord Glorfindel of the Golden Flower pursues the meaning of his recurring nightmares, only to find himself in the centre of a secret ploy against the ever-growing power of Maeglin Lómion in the King’s Council.

The People of Beleriand are astir; and as the strings of our heroes’ fates tangle, a dark shadow creeps above the North – the Fifth Battle approaches. And to what end, no one could dream...

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Series: Balar fics by Keiliss

Mainly about Gil-galad :)

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Burning Bright by Keiliss

About the war between Sauron and the elves, the hiding of the rings of power, and the appeal to Númenor for aid. And wherever else it decides to to go next.

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Adventures in Arda and Aman by Lferion

Ficlets of Valinor, Beleriand, Ennor, and Middle Earth through the Ages.

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The Straight Path. by hennethgalad

The Eldar become aware of the reshaping of the world after the fall of Númenor.

11: 'The Milky Way'

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Their Hour Was Not Yet Come by Kaylee Arafinwiel

 From Numenor to Imladris, the stories of the past are handed down, culminating in a momentous occasion.

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Holidays Gone By by StraightOuttaHimring

Vignettes of four elves celebrating holidays over the years, and one holiday spent togeather. For The Silmarillion Writer's Guild 'Seasons Greetings' challenge. 

Glorfindel: Tarnin Austa in Gondolin 

Gildor: Begetting Day in Nargothrond 

Erestor: Turuhalmë on Amon Ereb

Lindor: Coming of Age in Lindon

Yestarë in Imladris 

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Yule 1420. by hennethgalad

Pippin writes a song to woo Diamond and his friends help him sing it.

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Changing Light. by hennethgalad

The march of Fingolfin from Lanthir Lammoth to Thangorodrim. 

"It was night again."

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Thousand Years by Ulan

It was love at first sight, certainly. Glorfindel only wondered that it took him this long to find himself in that moment - past three ages in a land so changed, looking up at a stranger standing at a balcony.


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Helcaraxë by hennethgalad

Fingolfin, his family and friends, confront the ice and the unknown, and are drawn closer together by their feat of endurance. But Fingolfin suffers bitter loneliness and only the great valour of the other Elves gives him the strength to keep moving.

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non-fiction on the nature of elves by hennethgalad

Consideration of free will and the nature of elves.

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Heard it Through the Grapevine by Levade

Somewhere in Aman there's a pub and from time to time a few musicians like to gather there to 'discuss' human songs. 

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Morning Mist and Silver Sun by StarSpray

A place to store drabbles and ficlets, mostly written for various prompts.

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A Sad Tale's Best for Winter by oshun, Dawn Felagund

Prompt: B2MeM 2014 - Write a story or create art about the midwinter holiday (Yule or another midwinter holiday of your choosing).

Elrond looks back on Yuletides past at two distinct periods in his life, nearly an Age and a half apart. “The famous saudade of the Portuguese is a vague and constant desire for something that does not and probably cannot exist, for something other than the present, a turning towards the past or towards the future; not an active discontent or poignant sadness but an indolent dreaming wistfulness.” (In Portugal, by AFG Bell, 1912.)

Artwork included is by Dawn Felagund. (Calligraphy and illumination of brief passages from the story. Artist's note: The calligraphy utilizes a script I developed based on Tolkien's own writing in the Tengwar of "Namárië" and "A Elbereth Gilthoniel." The illumination is based on a style used in the 15th-century Bible of Borso d'Este. Ink, acrylic, and gold leaf on Bristol vellum.)

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A Little Push by Haeron

For Lizzie who wanted an elfling Lindir giving Glorfindel a shove to get him to approach Erestor on this strange mortal holiday of “Valentine’s Day”.

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Moving Forward by StarSpray

A drabble series written for Tolkien Weekly's "Trees" challenge, centered around the beginning of the Second Age.

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The Loneliness of the Fishermouse by Clodia

In 2509, Celebrían wife of Elrond was journeying to Lórien... the rest, everyone knows. But this isn't about her. Not really. What remains for the bereaved but need and anger?

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The Night the Sea Came In by Keiliss

After Beleriand is broken and drowned in the wreck of the War of Wrath, the survivors on Balar set out on a desperate voyage in search of a safe haven.

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Burning Bright: The Road by Keiliss

The outbreak of war in Eregion and the hiding of the rings of power as experienced by a musician, a lord with an agenda set beyond the sea, an exiled Noldorin princess and an elf with an uneasy conscience.

Cameos by Durin the Deathless, Ereinion Gil-galad, Celebrimbor, and Annatar the Giver of not always welcome Gifts.. 

MEFA 2011: First Place: Adventure, General

my thanks to Elfscribe

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