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|Member since 7 March 2009.
About Me
I like alliteration and subtlety; one day I hope to achieve the latter. I'm especially interested in the exploration of Tolkien's world and mythos from unusual perspectives. I also post as Clodia at FFN, LOTRFF and SoA and I exist on LJ as clodia_metelli.
Concrit, questions and general conversation are welcome everywhere, but especially here. Feedback is love. But in any case, if you've glanced at any of my stories, thank you for reading!
Fanworks by Clodia
The Loneliness of the Fishermouse by Clodia
In 2509, Celebrían wife of Elrond was journeying to Lórien... the rest, everyone knows. But this isn't about her. Not really. What remains for the bereaved but need and anger?
Major Characters: Arwen, Celeborn, Celebrían, Elrond, Erestor, Galadriel, Glorfindel, Lindir |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Drama | Challenges: |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Character Death |
Chapters: 5 | Word Count: 19, 868 |
Posted on 10 April 2012 | Updated on 6 May 2012 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Warping Arda by Clodia
A collection of drabbles, mostly written for the LJ comm Tolkien_Weekly. Some of these drabbles received awards in MEFA 2010; see inside for details.
10. Good as New. Glorfindel, his father and a piece of the past. One drabble.
Major Characters: Aredhel, Beren, Celeborn, Celebrían, Daeron, Dior, Dwarves, Eilinel, Elrond, Elu Thingol, Erestor, Glorfindel, Goldberry, Idril, Lúthien Tinúviel, Melian, Original Character(s), Sauron, Tom Bombadil |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: | Challenges: |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Mild) |
Chapters: 10 | Word Count: 5, 689 |
Posted on 1 January 2010 | Updated on 8 January 2012 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
Beneath the Sickle's Swing by Clodia
A collection of drabbles found in the ruins of Utumno during the years of Melkor's captivity, written for various tolkien_weekly challenges. I am greatly indebted to the ever-awesome
ignoblebard, who very generously nominated this series for MEFA 2011, thereby spurring me to get on with actually writing it. ♥
6. After the Manner: Orcs, one drabble.
Major Characters: Erestor, Original Character(s), Thuringwethil |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Adventure, Horror | Challenges: |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Violence (Mild) |
Chapters: 6 | Word Count: 1, 366 |
Posted on 10 February 2011 | Updated on 26 June 2011 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
A Beleriand Treasury of Childish Tales by Clodia
This is a mere collection of frivolous experiments in literary mimicry; credit (so far) goes to Rudyard Kipling, Lord Dunsany, JRR Tolkien, HP Lovecraft, Terry Pratchett, CS Lewis, Gogollescent and Saki (HH Munro). MEFA 2010 Honourable Mention (Genres: Drama: Incomplete) for chapters 1-8.
(1) The children's version of the fall of Gondolin.
(2) Nevrast lies abandoned. Where did the king and all the people go?
(3) On the road to Rivendell, Bilbo, Thorin and Gandalf discuss dwarvish singing.
(4) Beneath Barazinbar, Sleeping Beauty... awakes.
(5) Trolls, tea parties and a touch of literary theory.
(6) Uncle Gorthaur has some words of advice for his dear Thuringwethil.
(7) Maglor confronts his ghosts on the beach.
(8) Domestic discontent in Lothlórien.
Major Characters: Celeborn, Durin I, Dwarves, Ecthelion of the Fountain, Elves, Erestor, Eärendil, Fëanor, Galadriel, Gandalf, Glorfindel, Gothmog, Idril, Maglor, Original Character(s), Sauron, Thorondor, Thuringwethil, Tuor, Turgon |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Experimental, General | Challenges: |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 8 | Word Count: 15, 955 |
Posted on 25 September 2009 | Updated on 13 September 2010 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
The Journal of Alatáriel, Missionary by Clodia
Being a fantastical account of the Lady Galadriel’s journey to Middle-earth by an unknown author; edited and with critical comments by Erestor and Melinna of Ered Luin; preface by the Lord Celeborn of Lórinand, formerly of Doriath, Sirion and Eregion.
MEFA 2010 Third Place (Times: First Age and Prior: Noldorin Elves).
Major Characters: Celeborn, Erestor, Fëanor, Galadriel, Olwë, Original Character(s), Sons of Fëanor |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: Experimental | Challenges: |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 7 | Word Count: 10, 992 |
Posted on 17 January 2010 | Updated on 10 February 2010 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Blood and Fire by Clodia
Fragments of falling Doriath, centred on Oropher. Dior will not give up the jewel... MEFA 2010 First Place (Races: Elves: General).
Major Characters: Celeborn, Dior, Eluréd, Elurín, Elwing, Erestor, Galadriel, Nimloth, Original Character(s), Oropher, Sons of Fëanor |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: | Challenges: |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Moderate) |
Chapters: 10 | Word Count: 15, 133 |
Posted on 17 July 2009 | Updated on 18 September 2009 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Nightingales and Starlight by Clodia
For many years, Thingol's minstrel Daeron made lament for Lúthien Tinúviel beside dark waters... but not forever. A look at love, loss and the Lay of Leithian. MEFA 2009 First Place (Genres: Character Study: The Silmarillion).
Major Characters: Daeron, Erestor, Goldberry, Lúthien Tinúviel, Original Character(s), Tom Bombadil |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: General | Challenges: |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 2 | Word Count: 9, 912 |
Posted on 17 June 2009 | Updated on 17 June 2009 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Goldilocks and the Three Balrogs by Clodia
Ca. 1000 TA, Glorfindel finds himself unexpectedly alive and on a ship to Middle-earth in the company of five not-quite-Men. Where next? Imladris, of course...
MEFA 2010 Second Place (Genres: Character Study: Silmarillion).
Major Characters: Celebrían, Círdan, Elrond, Erestor, Gandalf, Glorfindel, Original Character(s), Radagast, Saruman |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: General | Challenges: |
Rating: Teens | Warnings: Violence (Mild) |
Chapters: 4 | Word Count: 25, 097 |
Posted on 13 June 2009 | Updated on 16 June 2009 |
This fanwork is complete. |
Wanderlust by Clodia
A brief background for Erestor, stretching from the ages of the stars to the foundation of Imladris. MEFA 2009 Third Place (Times: First Age and Prior: General).
Major Characters: Círdan, Elrond, Erestor, Melian, Original Character(s) |
Major Relationships: |
Genres: General | Challenges: |
Rating: General | Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 9, 446 |
Posted on 9 June 2009 | Updated on 9 June 2009 |
This fanwork is complete. |