Fanworks Tagged with Thorondor

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Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

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Unexpected Nesting by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Earendil comes home to Elwing's Tower in Aewellond (the Bird-haven) to rest from his labors, and finds her just beginning hers. She's been...nesting in his absence.

He hadn't counted on Elwing's bird-skinchanging affecting her like this...


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A Deed Justly Renowned by AdmirableMonster

Through snow, through ice, through ash and flame...I will always come for you, Russandol.

Fingon rescues Maedhros from Thangorodrim. It is no easy feat, for he battles not only the creatures and the hostile land, but also himself.

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The Seven Gates by Laerthel

The impossible happened – a Silmaril has been stolen from Morgoth’s crown. Maedhros decides to reunite the People of Beleriand against the Enemy and attack him while he is still unprepared (which is by no means less impossible). Meanwhile, in the hidden city of Gondolin, Lord Glorfindel of the Golden Flower pursues the meaning of his recurring nightmares, only to find himself in the centre of a secret ploy against the ever-growing power of Maeglin Lómion in the King’s Council.

The People of Beleriand are astir; and as the strings of our heroes’ fates tangle, a dark shadow creeps above the North – the Fifth Battle approaches. And to what end, no one could dream...

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Bloody Silmarils - Series by Dilly

In Gondolin, Turgon is depressed...

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Lockdown Instadrabbling by Lindariel

From the Discord server sessions on 25 March, 29 March, and 12 April 2020.

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All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

This is my latest collection of pieces too small to stand alone, often written for events on the SWG Discord.

The Latest:
"Fly." Fingon's faith in his friendship with Maedhros leads him to the decision to rescue him.
"Salt." Uinen discovers the kinslaying.
"Sunship." Nerdanel places the final cog in the sunship as an act of resistance.
"No One Heard That." The histories withheld some details of Fëanor's muster of the Noldor.
"Cracked." Námo explains death to a young Fëanor.
"Sunship, Reprise." The sunship's launching, from the perspective of the other side of the sea.
"Shadows beyond a Campfire." The sons of Fëanor build a campfire after the Nirnaeth.
"The Neologist." Pengolodh on language and history at three points in Gondolin's history.

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Modern solutions by Lyra

Fingon's rescue of Maedhros, Red Bull commercial style. I apologise for everything.

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There was battle in the air by Lyra

"But Eärendil came, shining with white flame, and about Vingilot were gathered all the great birds of heaven and Thorondor was their captain, and there was battle in the air all the day and through a dark night of doubt. Before the rising of the sun Eärendil slew Ancalagon the Black, the mightiest of the dragon-host, and cast him from the sky; and he fell upon the towers of Thangorodrim, and they were broken in his ruin." (Artwork)

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Beyond the Cirith Thoronath by Robinka

Death of a Golden Flower. (Poetry and Artwork)

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Thorondor, Lord of the Eagles by oshun

Thorondor, called the Lord of the Eagles, is the mightiest among the feathered messengers and guardians who served Manwë in Middle-earth.

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The Condensed Silmarillion by Cheeky

The Silm you read when you are not really reading the Silm. Everything you wanted to know without all the boring bits.

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Bloody silmarils, book I by Dilly

In Gondolin, Turgon is depressed... A comedy and parody of the Silmarillion with a lot of characters and chapters. Chapter 20: Fear.

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Mythmoot Mathoms by Dawn Felagund

I hid a prize in my Mythmoot III presentation, and these ficlets were written for those who discovered it and sent me their request.

Updated! Answered Swiftly: Fingon's prayer and the rescue of Maedhros, told from Throndor's perspective. Slightly experimental and weirdish.

Older: Love There Too: Olórin comes upon a young Finwë and Míriel at Cuivíenen.
The Mystery of the Missing Medallion: Maglor's begetting day gift for his father has gone missing. A tale involving a mad music master, missing jewelry, and a very odd hostage.

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The Eagle Silmarillion by Tehta

An attempt to make sense of the mystery surrounding Glorfindel's reappearance in Middle-earth, presented using a rarely-seen perspective.

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Thangorodrim by ford_of_bruinen

Fingon rescuing Maedhros. Prequel to Vodka and Unhingedf

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The Tempered Steel by Lyra

The story of Maedhros' captivity in Angband, his rescue and his recovery is in the Silmarillion treated in a few paragraphs. This is a fleshed-out account of the events that may have befallen between Maedhros' imprisonment and his return to his old life... as far as that is possible.

Occasionally drifting into AU territory, depending on how closely you follow the source (WHICH source? :P).

The usual warnings apply - particularly to chapters marked with an asterisk.

Part One completed.
Part Two completed.

Part Three, Chapter 10 added: In which the reconciled Noldor make plans for the future. End of the trilogy.

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On Cold Thangorodrim by downtide

The captivity of Maedhros on Thangorodrim, and his subsequent rescue by Fingon. This is actually part of my modern AU - the elves are living in the modern world and the events in Middle Earth are told as a flashback.

Warnings for rape/non-con, torture.

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Of Beren and Lúthien: The Complete Tale of “The Lay of Leithian” by LuthienHuan

A how-it-might-have-been tale based on the Chapter "Of Beren and Lúthien" in The Silmarillion and other writings which fans will recognize.

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A Beleriand Treasury of Childish Tales by Clodia

This is a mere collection of frivolous experiments in literary mimicry; credit (so far) goes to Rudyard Kipling, Lord Dunsany, JRR Tolkien, HP Lovecraft, Terry Pratchett, CS Lewis, Gogollescent and Saki (HH Munro).  MEFA 2010 Honourable Mention (Genres: Drama: Incomplete) for chapters 1-8.

(1) The children's version of the fall of Gondolin.

(2) Nevrast lies abandoned.  Where did the king and all the people go?

(3) On the road to Rivendell, Bilbo, Thorin and Gandalf discuss dwarvish singing.

(4) Beneath Barazinbar, Sleeping Beauty... awakes.

(5) Trolls, tea parties and a touch of literary theory.

(6) Uncle Gorthaur has some words of advice for his dear Thuringwethil.

(7) Maglor confronts his ghosts on the beach.

(8) Domestic discontent in Lothlórien.

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