Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

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Fanwork Notes

Compilation of prompt fills, type and length may vary per chapter.

Fanwork Information


For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Aegnor, Andreth, Angrod, Avari, Celeborn, Celebrimbor, Celegorm, Círdan, Curufin, Daeron, Eagles, Edain, Eldalótë, Elwing, Ents, Fëanor, Finduilas, Finrod Felagund, Finwë, Gil-galad, Gwindor, Húrin, Ilwen, Indis, Mahtan, Mîm, Nellas, Nerdanel, Nuin, Telchar, Thorondor, Tilion, Zimrahin

Major Relationships:

Genre: Experimental, Fixed-Length Ficlet, In-Universe Artifact, Poetry

Challenges: Tengwar

Rating: General

Warnings: Check Notes for Warnings

Chapters: 37 Word Count: 4, 142
Posted on 15 April 2024 Updated on 19 May 2024

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

What need of more light?
(No warnings.  Drabble)

One thing more to ask.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Somewhere in the Forest of Brethil...
(No warnings.  Drabble)

An Avar considers those who left before his birth.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

An Angband escapee.
(References to captivity and injuries.  Drabble)

Exiled without recourse.
(No warnings.  Drabble, Poetry)

Felagund, who knew no fear.
(References to death.  Drabble)

It'll get you every time.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Cultural exchanges.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Unsung heirlooms
(No warnings.  Drabble)

One fear.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Not every Dwarven craft was shared.
(No warnings.  Drabble)

The sunset was a surprise, too!
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Sunset brings another surprise
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Thank you, Anérea, for the amazing inspiring twist on this prompt!
(Warning for unbearable cuteness.  Drabble)

A battle of wills (with a body count)
(Warning: references to dead animals.  250 words)

Excerpts from a damaged journal, recovered from the wreckage of an Elven ship found far to the south.  Determined to be one of the seven which Turgon asked Círdan to build to seek aid from the Valar.

(No warnings.  In-universe artifact)

First impressions
(No warnings.  Drabble)

She was sitting in a tree...
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Mother to mother
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Master and apprentice
(No warnings.  Drabble)

To go is to leave
(No warnings.  Drabble)

If only it had been so simple
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Before even the sun
(No warnings.  Drabble)

I have learned you
(No warnings.  Drabble)

The last
(No warnings.  Drabble)

The last son
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Out of darkness
(References to torment and blood.  Drabble)

Beautiful indignation
(No warnings.  Drabble)

↑ This side up
(No warnings.  Drabble)

'Till the end of all things
(No warnings.  Double drabble.)

Warning for gratuitously dropped þorns
(But actually no warnings.  Drabble)

A different point of view
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Lord of the Falas
(No warnings.  Drabble)

‘Seest thou not how here in this little realm in the Deeps of Time Melkor hath made war upon thy province?' - Ainulindalë

(Warning for mild reference to radiation sickness. 188 words)

Don't shoot the messenger
(No warnings. Drabble)

What is heat without cold?
(No warnings.  Drabble)

Comments on Tengwar: To The Letter

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Amazing concept! I love the movement from description to a question to Fëanor directly addressing the question. I'm not sure of the intention, but it makes me think of the artist justifying their work to themselves rather than to any real critic. 

And, of course, the theme of the world beyond Valinor.... Very fitting to start this series (?) with Fëanor. 

'the artist justifying their work to themselves' - Oh I like that interpretation!  I was thinking it was criticism he'd received sort of swirling in his mind but I like the idea of imagined criticism, too.

Not sure how much of a series this will end up being, depends on how many of the prompts I end up doing I suppose, but thank you :)

Murien! Long time no see. Ah, the "what if"s, they never really fall silent, do they? And imagine an immortal life full of them...

Oh god that was visceral for me. Don't like tunnels!! Well done, powerful writing. I'd read more even though it's uncomfortable. Gwindor </3. 

Oh, powerful! Remarkable you got a poem into a drabble. Someone once described the transition from prose to poetry or music in drama as a moment where a scene's emotions become too big to be contained in prose. This definitely fits Fëanor at the time of canon. 

Great and varied series continues!

Feanor being very Feanor, poetically, poor Celebrimbor (and sympathetic Curufin!); nice and unusual Finrod and Daeron encounter (book lovers, unite!).... 

DAERON!! and FINROD!!  BOOK! hahaha aw I love this (obviously), just the kind of nerdy inquisitive mural respect I crave between these two.

What a real treat to read these glimpses: Fëanor's delight in his invention and indeed, others content to remain ensconced in the Light would not see their point.

That necklace! I'd like one please, I rarely wear jewellery but it sounds like one I would.

A sleepy Ent tickled by a squirrel is just so cute; a content Avar almost pitying those who left; Gwindor's first moment of freedom; Fëanor's rage, Finrod's precious possession (well, two of them); Celebrimbor... aww, sweetie, it's OK, we've all done it!

Love this collection! Well done! ♡

Ooooooh! Ok, I so very very much relate to the sentimentality in this! And your description is as fine as this worn, comfortable and comforting fabric. And, I just love seeing Andreth and Bregor share a moment of sibling intimacy. ♡

Hah! I am with Celebrimbor on this, if the bridge looks anything like it did in the films. These are all so clever, becoming a favourite little word snack in my day.

Another four great ones!

Andreth as sister, Celebrimbor sharing a fear with Narvi, Telchar making something that isn't a weapon, and protective Nuin: what a wonderful selection of characters and ideas!

Excellent! When you said you were writing about Gil-estel I had a feeling we'd be getting a POV we don't get in canon and I'm glad you picked these two. I love how it's a very real moment interrupted by a miracle.

Oh, I'm so with Celebrimbor here!! It's really not the sheer precipitous drops that are the problem, but what lies at the end of them. (Says she who, despite a lifelong fear of sheer precipitous drops, somehow found herself climbing sheer precipitous cliffs for fun for a lot of her life, admittedly initially motivated by a very hot guy, so maybe Narvi will do the same for Celebrimbor.)

Aha! So it's the ang in the northern reaches that draws the needle? Clever.

I love Nuin here — probably utterly confused himself by the odd light, but still being so reassuring to the now-awake sleepers. (I've never really thought about how surprising and terrifying the sunset may have been.)

... and an age later a new light in the sky.

Such a delight reading these, thank you!