Fanworks Tagged with Nellas

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Embers by Adlanth

Drabbles written in response to Elleth's Femslash & Lyrics board.

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The story of Njal who was burned by clotho123

Nellas, long after the fall of Doriath, is again a witness to tragedy

This is a very geeky crossover between The Silmarillion and Njal’s Saga, the longest and arguably best of the early medieval Icelandic Sagas which Tolkien knew very well. 

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This is a Writing fanwork

Meet Me In The Woods (We'll Make Beautiful Music Together) by cuarthol

Lúthien escapes Menegroth for a clandestine meeting in the woods.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

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Silence by StarSpray

Nellas returns to the ruin of Doriath one last time.

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We Made Our Own by cuarthol

Finduilas has accompanied Finrod on a visit to Doriath, but she is soon drawn out into the forest to explore the land of hidden enchantments.

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We'll dance among the stars by daughterofshadows

We spend some time with our friends from Gondolin, learn about Nellas and Galdor's relationship in this universe and do a lot of worldbuilding.


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Pack the Parcel by daughterofshadows, Idrils Scribe, Grundy

A collection of stories for the Pass the Parcel prompt for the Holiday challenge!

If anyone else would like to join, contact Grundy to be added to the list of authors so you can add your chapter.

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Code Red by Scribe of Mirrormere

Aredhel runs into trouble after leaving Gondolin. Luckily, she is prepared. The Walking Dead fusion/zombie AU.

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The Tale of Turin by Kaylee Arafinwiel

Turin Turambar, Master of Doom by Doom mastered! We know the life of the son of Hurin, but more mundane events...hmm. So far I\'ve written of his coming to Doriath and a brief incident in his fostering there. As for more, we\'ll see...

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Our little song by Leithriel

Just a collection of stories about my favorite characters/ships in Silmarillion

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Clear Skies and Bright Stars by StarSpray

“Come eat your supper, Eluréd,” said Nellas. “Afterward we’ll build a bonfire on the hillside, and I’ll teach you how they used to dance at Cuiviénen.”


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Streams of Time by Leithriel

Time is a tricky thing to play with. It can take everything away from you. Yet, if you play your hand right, it can give back everything it took too.

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Star-Crossed by Leithriel

She realized that they were kindred spirits a long time ago, and that never changed, in spite of events that transpired, or the time that had passed.

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The Nights Your Heart Shivers by StarSpray

"All right, hunting down Daeron the Minstrel: that sounds like fun. But where would we even begin to look for him?"

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In the River Valley by StarSpray

"Ah!" The strange man peered more closely at them. "Elves coming east!" He seemed to find the idea funny, and sat down with them on the grass to laugh. "And what are your names, little elf children?"

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Name Every Star by StarSpray

After Doriath's fall, Nellas heads east, with Dior's sons in tow.

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Laze on the Grass by StarSpray

Nellas takes a break in the Old Forest.

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With the Stars in the Darkness, and Love in the Light by Zdenka

At Nienor's request, the women of Brethil share stories and songs about Haleth, the river's daughter, and those they loved. (Goldberry/Haleth, Goldberry/Nellas, Haleth/OFC)

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Leaves in the Wood by Zdenka

After the fall of Doriath, Nellas seeks a new land to call home.

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Sirion by Grundy

"And so there came to pass the last and cruelest of the slayings of Elf by Elf; and that was the third of the great wrongs achieved by the accursed oath."


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The Fosterling Prince Arrives by Kaylee Arafinwiel

The young Túrin is led to the gates of Menegroth. What welcome will he receive?

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This is a Writing fanwork

Poor Aim by StarSpray

Her contented peace that afternoon, however, was abruptly shattered when a spear shot through the branches scant inches from her head, narrowly missing a squirrel, which shot down the trunk with an angry chatter, to lodge in the trunk of the next tree over. Nellas shrieked and jerked back out of the way, arms flailing—and fell out of the tree. She landed roughly on the ground below, knocking her head against a root hard enough to make her see stars.

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