Code Red
Series compiled by Scribe of Mirrormere
Aredhel runs into trouble after leaving Gondolin. Luckily, she is prepared. The Walking Dead fusion/zombie AU.
- Series Information
Aredhel runs into trouble after leaving Gondolin. Luckily, she is prepared. The Walking Dead fusion/zombie AU.
Major Characters: Amras, Aredhel, Curufin, Dwarves, Ecthelion of the Fountain, Egalmoth, Eöl, Galadriel, Gildor, Glorfindel, Idril, Lúthien Tinúviel, Mablung, Maglor, Meleth (Elf), Nellas, Original Character(s), Telchar
Major Relationships:
Genre: Adventure, Alternate Universe, Crossover, Horror, Humor
Fanworks in "Code Red"

Prelude to Code Red by Scribe of Mirrormere
Warnings: Violence (Moderate)
A scene which takes place before the events of Code Red. Aredhel, bored during their journey to Dor-lómin, stumbles across a terrifying sight. Written for Legendarium Ladies April 2015.

Code Red by Scribe of Mirrormere
Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn
Aredhel runs into trouble after leaving Gondolin. Luckily, she is prepared. The Walking Dead fusion/zombie AU.