Fanworks Tagged with Curufin

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The Suffering of Maedhros by Annatar_Targaryen

Maedhros, eldest son of Feanor, is captured by Morgoth and chained to the cliffs of Thargorodrim by his order. There is no hope of rescue until his dearest friend appears. (one-shot)

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but for the look in his eyes by awwyeah107

When Maedhros goes to parley with Morgoth’s army after Fëanáro’s death, Celebrimbor sneaks out to join him, and the consequences are dire.

Rated M for graphic violence (primarily torture). First three chapters were posted only on AO3 in 2024.

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Lay the Heart Bare, Leaf by Leaf by IdleLeaves

A collection of flashfic, drabbles, and snippets.

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Silhouettes of Doom by Ecthelion


"At least we have learned that the sons of Fëanor can die too." Nine POVs, one matter - a story about the kinslaying in Doriath.

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Merry Midwinter by Aprilertuile

Snippets of life of a midwinter in Fëanáro and Nerdanel's household in Valinor, during the Age of the Trees. 

Prompts will be as follow, taken from the Midwinter Bingo card (board by AdmirableMonster) : 

Family ; Carols and Singing ; Death and rebirth ; Candles ; Sledding 

Promps taken from the Fluffy Bingo Card (board by DaughterofShadows): 

Falling Asleep ; Hot Chocolate

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mouths of fire by nycterisg

It is Curufin who crafts the three gems. Starting with the one of fire.

Or: Curufin copes with grief in true Noldorin fashion.

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Collection of Potluck Drabbles by Artano

This is a collection of true drabbles completed for the 'Four Words' drabble bingo card.

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A Collection of Maps Exhibiting the Changing Political Landscape in Beleriand by Artano

Created for the 'Geography/Maps/Places' prompt on the "Tolkien meta" bingo board, this is a collection of maps marked with the various people groups showing how they arrived and moved about Beleriand.  This collection focuses specifically on the time from the arrival of the Teleri, Vanyar, and Noldor before they went to Aman up to the distribution of the various kingdoms after the Flight of the Noldor, when they arrived in Middle-earth and settled there.

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like thunder in the stillness by queerofthedagger

Blood wells to the surface, hot and sticky. It runs over Curufin’s hand and down Finrod’s neck, the smell almost overwhelming. Finrod thrashes when Curufin presses fabric against the wound with enough force that darkness dances along the edges of Finrod’s vision.

He is breathing harshly, and it sends pain lacing through him with every inhale, every exhale. His hands have found Curufin’s legs, his wrist, nails digging into fabric and soft skin.

Finrod would apologise, but he does not think that he has anything but curses and confessions within him.

Finrod gets hurt. Curufin does what he must.

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Elessar by clotho123

Curufin visits Turgon in Nevrast.  An alternative origin for the first Elessar

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Between Ruinous Dusk and Restless Dawn by queerofthedagger

His gaze, inevitably, is drawn back to Finrod, the marred beauty of him. It has not been Curufin who ruined him so—had not been Curufin who had dragged him out of Nargothrond and into the wolf’s den, who had let Finrod protect him with his life. And yet.

And yet it feels oddly fitting, that such a ruined thing should be Curufin’s.

Through careful manoeuvring and a few lucky coincidences, Curufin saves Finrod's life without having to admit to anything so humiliating as having emotions. Contrary to what one would expect, this does not make things all that much easier.

Alternatively: Curufin lies, Finrod lives, and somehow they do still manage to figure it out, for better or for worse.

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Toward Beleriand by Aprilertuile

After the disaster in Alqualondë, the house of Fëanor had stolen the ships and left by sea.
A storm was raging, and on a ship with at least one of his siblings, Tyelkormo was taking care of Huan... And thinking.

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catch your breath by queerofthedagger

The firelight splays golden across them, and he listens to Curufin's breathing

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Atarinkë by clotho123

Celegorm reflects on Curufin, Aredhel and Celebrimbor.

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"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

Fics written for the "Tengwar" challenge.

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Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

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The Hands of the Prince by Valxyri

Someone is planting bombs in Minas Tirith.

Early in the Forth Age, when King Elessar's life is threatened, it is up to the young prince and an unlikely ally to bring down the threat to the realms of Men.

But in the chaos of a city rocked by violence, Prince Eldarion Telcontar will discover the true meaning of his inheritance.

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Feanorian Week 2024 by StarSpray

Ficlets written for Feanorian Week

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The Fall of Eregion by StarSpray

The dead have no mouths, and cannot scream. That does not stop Curufin from trying as he watches Vairë’s tapestries ravel before his eyes

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White Water Flowing by StarSpray

In Valinor and homesick for Imladris, Celebrían decides to build a new one.

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Are You Proud of Me? by MourningGlory

In his brother's final moments, Curufin must play an unexpected role.

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Dispossessed by stormfallen

The sons of Fëanor find their places. Or lose them.

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L'appel du vivre by Angamaite

Celegorm, Curufin, a balcony of Finwë's royal residence, oblique discussions of death before death became more than an abstraction. And a little bit of parkour.

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By the eyes of beasts of prey by Angamaite

After the Nírnaeth Arnoediad, Celegorm and Curufin occasionally range far from Amon Ereb in an attempt to stem the tide of Morgoth's armies into Beleriand somewhat. This kind of idleness does not become the Oath once the Silmaril has appeared in Doriath again; Celegorm only needs a willing ear.

The academic conversation that stood at the beginning of the end.

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