Between Ruinous Dusk and Restless Dawn by queerofthedagger

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Fanwork Notes

Posted first in September 2024 as part of TRSB. Part of my attempt to crosspost my Silm works to the SWG.

Fanwork Information


His gaze, inevitably, is drawn back to Finrod, the marred beauty of him. It has not been Curufin who ruined him so—had not been Curufin who had dragged him out of Nargothrond and into the wolf’s den, who had let Finrod protect him with his life. And yet.

And yet it feels oddly fitting, that such a ruined thing should be Curufin’s.

Through careful manoeuvring and a few lucky coincidences, Curufin saves Finrod's life without having to admit to anything so humiliating as having emotions. Contrary to what one would expect, this does not make things all that much easier.

Alternatively: Curufin lies, Finrod lives, and somehow they do still manage to figure it out, for better or for worse.

Major Characters: Curufin, Finrod Felagund

Major Relationships: Curufin/Finrod



Rating: Adult

Warnings: Creator Chooses Not to Warn

Chapters: 3 Word Count: 34, 427
Posted on 6 September 2024 Updated on 7 March 2025

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

Written for slide #24 by lassirin/laisrinel, for the Tolkien Summer Reverse Bang! Words by queerofthedagger, a direct link to the artwork is here!

There is a playlist to go with this fic; it is somewhat sorted to go along with the story, so I'd recommend listening to it in order. <3

There are some minor canon details/timeline matters I chose to ignore for the sake of making this work. For one, Huan returns to Nargothrond after helping Lúthien escape, at least briefly. For the other, Lúthien did not tell Celegorm and Curufin about her knowledge that Beren and Finrod were captured.

Once more playing somewhat fast and loose with the timeline regarding Beren and Lúthien here.

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