Fanworks Tagged with Dwarves

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Gnome Tome Linguistics Meme by Artano

A meme created for the prompt: ''It is false to make Dwarves [?uncreative] or poor linguists.'' for the Gnome Tome and Jubilee challenges

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Hot Chocolate by Artano

Short interaction between Maedhros and Caranthir, written during an instadrabbling session.

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That's how the light gets in : a double drabble. by bunn

In the halls of the Maker, the Children sleep, until a bell sounds.

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On Dwarves and Glass-making by Artano

A brief discussion on Dwarves inspired by the the Lycurgus Cup, completed for Tolkien Meta Week 2024.

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A Collection of Maps Exhibiting the Changing Political Landscape in Beleriand by Artano

Created for the 'Geography/Maps/Places' prompt on the "Tolkien meta" bingo board, this is a collection of maps marked with the various people groups showing how they arrived and moved about Beleriand.  This collection focuses specifically on the time from the arrival of the Teleri, Vanyar, and Noldor before they went to Aman up to the distribution of the various kingdoms after the Flight of the Noldor, when they arrived in Middle-earth and settled there.

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Heyr himna smiðr by Zdenka

In the wake of Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the Dwarves of Belegost mourn their dead.

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TRSB24: Dwarf Women of the East by Lathalea

This is one of my art entries for the TRSB24 event. It focuses on the Dwarves living in the East, specifically Dwarf-women.

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The Fissure by Dawn Felagund

Maeglin witnesses a coming-of-age ceremony among the Dwarves of Belegost. Written for the Hungarian Tolkien Society's 2024 Mailing Competition.

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Fault Lines by Lferion

A Dwarf tries to come to terms with the cataclysm that was the end of the First Age. A four-drabble sequence.

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This is a Video fanwork

Tolkien Fandom | Animated illustration with music (English subtitles) by Sirielle

My illustrations with a bit of life and music by DTH. English subtitles added for the lyrics in Polish. (More details in description.)

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Back to the Surface by chrissystriped

Two dwarves have a special catch in their nets. Old oaths and curses need a solution before the last witnesses of the First Age sail to the West.

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Distant Peaks by Himring

In the Blue Mountains, quite some time before the Quest for Erebor, Gimli learns a bit of important dwarven lore from Ori.

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Of Perfect Make by StarSpray

A letter comes to the Lonely Mountain from Bag End, requesting a large number of birthday gifts for Bilbo's upcoming eleventy-first birthday. The Mountain gets to work immediately.

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What Once Was by cuarthol

What was lost cannot be restored, but something new can always be found

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Misty Mountains Tall by StarSpray

The road of the High Pass is blocked by boulders, but an attempted negotiation with the stone giant responsible goes unexpectedly sideways.

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Whims of Time and Fate by QuillAndInkWrites

Towards the middle of the Second Age, a young Dwarf of the Longbeard royal line seeks out answers to the mysterious visions and memories she has begun to see over her waking sight — the answer may be right in front of her, written plainly in the histories of Durin I and his reincarnation, Durin II, but does she have the strength to follow the thread and accept the truth?

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The Last Heir of Fëanor by Astrance

This is the tale of the surviving child of Celebrimbor of Eregion and how she fared through the Ages of the world. From the Fall of Ost-in-Edhil to Imladris and the vastness of Second Age Eriador, the fight against Sauron seems never ending.

Warning for slightly adjusted timeline according to the story needs, but not too noticeable as the structure stays intact. Also, poetry.

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The Seven Gates by Laerthel

The impossible happened – a Silmaril has been stolen from Morgoth’s crown. Maedhros decides to reunite the People of Beleriand against the Enemy and attack him while he is still unprepared (which is by no means less impossible). Meanwhile, in the hidden city of Gondolin, Lord Glorfindel of the Golden Flower pursues the meaning of his recurring nightmares, only to find himself in the centre of a secret ploy against the ever-growing power of Maeglin Lómion in the King’s Council.

The People of Beleriand are astir; and as the strings of our heroes’ fates tangle, a dark shadow creeps above the North – the Fifth Battle approaches. And to what end, no one could dream...

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Code Red by Scribe of Mirrormere

Aredhel runs into trouble after leaving Gondolin. Luckily, she is prepared. The Walking Dead fusion/zombie AU.

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Loyalty by grey_gazania

Who were Ulfang's people, and why did they betray the Elves?

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In the Glow of the Mountain by Hoglorfen


\"Mordorian romantic drama at its finest.\" ~ Times of Khand
\"Tragic yet titillating.\" ~ Númenor News Network
\"That shit\'s nasty!\" ~ PlayDwarf
\"Who the fuck nicked my lube?!\" ~Lurtz
\"*noisy retching*\" ~ Rivendaily

This is a not-so-classic tale of \"Orc boy meets Elf girl\", which proves once and for all that having the Dark Lord as your third bed-partner is NOT a good idea. One does not simply walk into Mordor... or anywhere near it. This is a very dark tale, as tales set under the Eye are wont to be. For Darkness taints all it touches, but without it the little glimmers of Light would not be as powerful.


This series started out as smut and I never intended to write any more than the first part. But then I got hit by an irresistible load of \"WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!\" and kept writing. Let\'s see where this takes us! PS. It\'s still smut, but now it\'s smut with a story. I hope. DS.


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Wisp'light Through the Trees by heget

A young boy is lost during the long hunt of the Eglath for their missing king.

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Chewing The Fat by Grundy

During a lesson, Elrond is puzzled by the name of an animal.

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Ulmo and The Balrog. by hennethgalad

for Tolkien Crack Week: day 1; chance encounters.


Ulmo and the Balrog...

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