Chewing The Fat by Grundy

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Fanwork Notes

If it isn't obvious, the 'fat dormouse' description was my doing in the challenge prompts, and I was a bit stuck on the name.

Fanwork Information


During a lesson, Elrond is puzzled by the name of an animal.

Major Characters: Dwarves, Elrond, Elros

Major Relationships:


Challenges: Naturalist's Guide to Middle-earth

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 805
Posted on 10 October 2020 Updated on 10 October 2020

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Chewing The Fat

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I am pleased to share the linguistic/culinary curiosity that is the fat dormouse. :)

The final bit is indeed about the beaver - I really dithered about which of the many prompts that caught my eye to write about, and the dormouse won because the incongruity of the name and the picture stuck with me since I first saw it!

I didn't know that about the fat dormouse either - I thought the English name might be due to the animal having to build up fat for its (supposedly) seven-month sleep (which it's probably just starting to do in the picture). So I learned something along with the young Elves and Dwarves!

And I really liked the idea of Elrond and Elros learning Khuzdul and Dwarven lore - and of formal schools among the Dwarves.