
June 2019 SWG challenge Pride banner with two women embracing

June is Pride Month, a time to recognize and honor the contributions of LGBTQIA+ people, whose work and identity (or both) have often gone unrecognized in history. This month's challenge will involve a prompt by an LGBTQIA+ person. There are music, art, poetry, and quotation prompts.

Comment on Dreamwidthsend an ask on Tumblr, or email us at to request your prompt. Please specify which type(s) of prompts (music, art, poem, or quote) you would like us to pick from--and it's fine also if you have no preference in this area and wish us to surprise you!

Please note that fanworks do not have to be about LGBTQIA+ characters or topics, although as always, there is a little something extra for those who take on that extra bit of challenge. (Please help out your stamp-delivering mods by specifying in the author's notes if you include LGBTQIA+ characters, if it is not obvious from the summary or notes on the fanwork.)

This challenge opened in .


Choose your prompt from the collection below.

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  • "Virginia Woolf said that writers must be androgynous. I'll go a step further. You must be bisexual." ~ Rita Mae Brown
  • "Most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes." ~ Oscar Wilde Kaylee
  • "The long slumber of ignorance must pass away, and discussion will bring light, no doubt." ~ George Cecil Ives
  • "Until I came out, my acting was all about disguise, and thereafter it became about telling the truth." ~ Ian McKellen
  • "No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us." Marsha P. Johnson

Fanworks Tagged with Pride

This is a Writing fanwork

The Obstinate Spirit Of A Dying House by Gabriel

After an attempt on the High King's life, Celebrimbor realizes his priorities.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Jubilant Potluck by Grundy

Drabbles written for Jubilee, fulfilling prompts from Potluck and other previous challenges.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Artifacts in Archive by Lferion

In Valinor, Cîr Imladris built, Elrond takes the opportunity to properly catalogue, categorize, and annotate one of the slowly diminishing collection of uncatalogued, uncategorized "miscellaneous objects with words attached"  that had been part of the library and archive at Imladris from the beginning.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Steppe Ghost Story by Lferion

Love endures, and nothing is truly forgotten if even one person remembers it. A triple drabble.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Fire Like Ice by Lferion

Fingon would not have anticipated that he would ever find himself thinking of heat the same way he thought of extreme cold, and yet, here he was.

Takes place in a version of Arda with Beleriand Risen on the Aman side of the Straight Road, as in Bunn's Return to Aman and Undying Lands.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Duty by Gabriel

High King Gil-galad visits Eregion for rest and respite.

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This is a Writing fanwork

The City Over the Mountains by Narya

A midwinter dalliance grows into something neither Elemmakil nor Voronwë expect.  Duty, family and the ghosts of their past lie between them, and beyond the Hidden City, the shadows lengthen and grow deep...

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Space Between by Grundy

Ecthelion's reaction to the Fall of Sauron, a double drabble.

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This is a Writing fanwork

By the Sea by Lferion

Fingon and Maedhros share a moment by the sea.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Summer Storm by oshun

Written for the 2019 Pride challenge,

My prompt: The people I respect most behave as if they were immortal and as if society was eternal.” ~ E.M. Forster

Not gonna explain how this ficlet fits the prompt. But it does. You have to trust me.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Dancers by Independence1776

Celebrían and Mithrandir have a brief talk.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Lovelier than Love by StarSpray

Not long come from Mandos, Minyelmë is visiting Tirion with her sister, and meets Lalwen for the first time.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Will you remember who kissed you by Himring

Yavien, great-granddaughter of Elros, is summoned to her long-time lover's deathbed, in the fisher village of Nindamos.

(Now with extra drabble on footwear)

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This is a Writing fanwork

Deep Roots are Not Reached by Frost... or Shadow by Raiyana

A burial beneath the branches of the Great Greenwood at some point in the First Age.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Joined by hennethgalad

Glorfindel and Aistalar dine with Olórin

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This is a Writing fanwork

Beech Ridge by hennethgalad

Glorfindel and Aistalar move to Beech Ridge. 

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