Summer Storm by oshun

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Written for the 2019 Pride challenge,

My prompt: The people I respect most behave as if they were immortal and as if society was eternal.” ~ E.M. Forster

Not gonna explain how this ficlet fits the prompt. But it does. You have to trust me.

Major Characters: Fëanor, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finwë, Indis, Nerdanel

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Challenges: Pride

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 612
Posted on 10 July 2019 Updated on 10 July 2019

This fanwork is complete.

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Comments on Summer Storm

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He does have a great heart! (~And death was his reward~ ;____; ) I really like this picture you paint of the House of Finwë as a squabbling, but nonetheless functional family. Being nosey, I wish I'd been there just before the squabble - and then during, to hear the insults traded and ridiculous slights of the past dug out! XD
Glad Finno has some stout supporters and can laugh at himself - and both storms - in the end.

Aww. thanks! You are more than kind!!

There is a story there. I have always thought I would never make a drabbler because I never manage to compose discrete within themselves, perfect little jewels, but instead, my short-shorts are more like teaser/trailers for a movie.

"to hear the insults traded and ridiculous slights of the past"!! Wow, maybe I should write that! The idea gave me a real boost in spirits!

Well done on the storm metaphor. You know how much I love your Fingon, and he’s as adorable in his adolescent awkwardness here as he is confident and funny when he’s older.

You always talk like you can’t write these short pieces but you never fail to capture a moment so perfectly, whether it’s in a 50,000 word novel or a few hundred word short. It’s all about setting up the character and scene and in that you are unequaled.

Awww, I love this!

but it did little to qualm my fears of growing up to be the only short and homely one of the House of Finwë.

Finno!  I just want to hug him.

Nerdanel and Indis are brilliant in this.  And I so enjoy seeing their family as a close knit unit, albeit not without its tensions.