Artifacts in Archive by Lferion

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Fanwork Notes

Thanks go to Zhie for encouragement & sanity-checking.

Written for the June SWG Challenge A Secret Gate to the Matryoshka prompt:
Prompt #1, Easy:
Motive. A character asks, "Why??" (It can be literal or figurative!) When you begin working on this prompt, you can open the next.
Prompt #2, Easy:
Means. Your character needs something that is not immediately at hand. When the character realizes this, you can open the next prompt.
Prompt #3, Easy:
Opportunity. A character is given a chance.

Related to Inscribed in the Heart, which is set at Tir Tolrí, though it is not named in that story.

Posted on AO3 here

Fanwork Information


In Valinor, Cîr Imladris built, Elrond takes the opportunity to properly catalogue, categorize, and annotate one of the slowly diminishing collection of uncatalogued, uncategorized "miscellaneous objects with words attached"  that had been part of the library and archive at Imladris from the beginning.

Major Characters: Original Agender Character(s), Original Nonbinary Character(s), Elrond

Major Relationships:

Genre: General, Mystery, Poetry

Challenges: Pride, Secret Gate

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 224
Posted on 15 July 2023 Updated on 15 July 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Artifacts in Archive

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Oh my! There is so much tucked in beneath the overlying story.

I love the whole idea of "Cír" Imladris, and that Elrond brought over most of the library. I love that the items still have a history while still being a mystery. I love the details of the layers of containers, and that it was a puzzle box (of course it would be Dwarvish!) (I love Elrond's fondness being highlighted here too) and a birch bark envelope so cleverly origami-ish! (This appealed to both my thing for layering and my obsession with boxes, bags, jars, envelopes, and containers in general). Oh gosh, I love the idea of the preservation Song, as well as the 'encouragement-renewal-repair-infuse-clarify-general positive energy' Songs (I could do with a few verses of that one myself, thank you!) and the way their effectiveness is enhanced in Aman/ diminished in Middle-earth. 

And then their unfinished poem, and your beautiful jewellery, and the hope that this ends on...

I really enjoyed this, thank you so much for the pick me up!