Fanworks Sign-Ups for Mereth Aderthad Now Open!
Sign up to create a fanwork for the Mereth Aderthad live event or for the event fanzine or both! The program for meta and scholarship has been posted on our website. Registration will open March 15.
A young Orc on a spirit quest walks through the memories of her people.
It's a nice evening and Laurendil is trying to teach Rog to dance.
Salgant gets some unexpected gifts
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
Eru Ilúvatar made them all.For an Age of the world, Valinorean readers have devoured Doctor Heriel's bestselling tales of animal leeching in the beautiful environs of the Elf-city of Alqualondë. This new translation into Westron will introduce a generation of readers in the Eastern Lands to the gentleness of spirit, warm humor, and love for the animal world that have secured Doctor Heriel's literary reputation across the Sea.
Rather than killing him, Dior curses Celegorm with his dying breath. Someone that Celegorm once helped helps him a little in turn.
The sea is full of dangers, and the Straight Road is no exception.
As my people now leave these shores behind, it is my hope that this book will be of aid to those who choose to sail in the years to come.
May it guide you safely across the sea and to the shores of Valinor and may the wind and the waves be ever in your favour.
"Travel advice was very helpful, but we were glad the people of Dol Amroth helped us to build the boat. 4/5 stars." - L&G
"Perhaps finding this book was a sign to finally sail and face whatever awaits me across the sea." - M. F.
"Mighty helpful book. Wouldn't have made it across the sea without it. Hope I'll get to say thank you in person someday. 5/5 stars." - S. G.
“Nana,” Legolas asks one day through a mouthful of stewed berries, “How come your eyes are so shiny?”
It’s an innocent question, and predictable in hindsight — neither of which help his parents in knowing how to answer it.
[Written for TRSB 2023, Art #77 - Exploring the Past. Posted for SWG Roaring Twenties Challenge - N1, Bright Young Things.]
In Valinor, Cîr Imladris built, Elrond takes the opportunity to properly catalogue, categorize, and annotate one of the slowly diminishing collection of uncatalogued, uncategorized "miscellaneous objects with words attached" that had been part of the library and archive at Imladris from the beginning.
Celebrimbor travels to Númenor and finds a new direction to his life.
Four different drabbles (100 words each) written during a SWG instadrabbling event 20.08.2022.
Welcome to Eryn Lasgalen, the only space station with trees.
Yes, you heard that right. Actual, real life, full-sized trees.
Not the tiny shrubs they have over on Balar.
They may not quite reach the glory of the forests of old Doriath (before it all burned, of course), but what truly can?
Join Thranduil's spouse Alcarinna for a walk in the woods as she contemplates the past, meet Oropher and his husband, Ethuilass, newly returned from their diplomatic mission and despair with Legolas' older brother, Beriathal, and Tauriel over younger siblings who cannot stay in the same spot for longer than a minute, dammit!
Gondolin is finally ready to welcome its people.
Among the buzz of moving in, a long awaited reunion takes place.
Contrary to Luimiel’s nemesis, public opinion, it was not illegal to reuse names. How anyone ever thought a policy of strict non-repetition could work was beyond her. Sheer coincidence essentially guaranteed that there were multiple Sea Lovers or Green Jewels or Happy Women striding about Arda, blissfully unaware of their nominal compatriots across the continent, in the Halls, up a mountain retreat somewhere, or even, in these recently troubled times, beyond the Sea.
One very much could give one’s child a name that had been used before, and, frankly, Luimiel thought, looking across her desk at the unfortunate infant first in line to be registered today, she wished more people would.
The story of Ninnachel of the Noldor, neither male nor female, but gwegwin -- literally 'man-woman' -- intersex and identifying as outside the binary. Warrior, lover, writer of obscene poetry, giver of hope and defiance, community builder.