Walking in the Woods by daughterofshadows

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Welcome to Eryn Lasgalen, the only space station with trees.
Yes, you heard that right. Actual, real life, full-sized trees.
Not the tiny shrubs they have over on Balar.
They may not quite reach the glory of the forests of old Doriath (before it all burned, of course), but what truly can?
Join Thranduil's spouse Alcarinna for a walk in the woods as she contemplates the past, meet Oropher and his husband, Ethuilass, newly returned from their diplomatic mission and despair with Legolas' older brother, Beriathal, and Tauriel over younger siblings who cannot stay in the same spot for longer than a minute, dammit!

Major Characters: Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Nonbinary Character(s), Oropher

Major Relationships:

Genre: Family

Challenges: Also Appearing

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1, 135
Posted on 4 July 2022 Updated on 4 July 2022

This fanwork is complete.

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Table of Contents

A Sci-Fi AU?
Yes indeed
And boi has it proven to be inspiring! Join me during Gen Week as we meet with many different people all throughout this planetary system, with its space stations and spaceships big and small.
Today's cast included:

Alcarinna: Those more familiar with my work may remember her from Presentation Day. The genderfluid spouse of Thranduil loves the trees and their family. They grew up with their father Galdor and met Thranduil at a political meeting. Together, the couple has three children: Beriathal, Legolas and Gladhirneth. In this fic Alcarinna uses she/her pronouns.

Beriathal: Thranduil's and Alcarinna's oldest son. He's got an interest for politics and his diplomatic skills serve him well when he has to negotiate with his younger siblings. Truly, he doesn't mind watching them, but could they please, please listen, every now and again? Please? He'll even give them cookies.

Ethuilass: Thranduil's father is a slim man with a silver tongue. His diplomatic accolades include the negotiation of the Sirion Treaty which established the off-planet colonies of former Doriath. He's also trans.

Oropher: A tall man with an unfortunate resting bitch face, he may be, but underneath the harsh exterior, Thranduil's other father hides a soft core. He would follow his husband anywhere, even if it means not seeing his grandchildren for months on end.

Tauriel: The daughter of Alphenion, a merchant, and Mirhaweth, a security guard, met the bane of her existence when her mother decided it was Bring your child to work day. Just kidding, usually she like Beriathal well enough. Unless he's trying to introduce her to his scary grandparents.

Honorary mentions to Legolas, whose current goal in life is to set height records on the swing set, and Gladhirneth, who likes nothing more than driving her oldest brother bonkers

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