Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
This is my second art entry for the TRSB24 event. It focuses on Thorin Oakenshield surviving BOTFA and darker themes of pyrrhic victory, dragon sickness, longevity/eternity, angst/love.
Harad, Second Age. Tar-Ardamin's favourite dancer comes back to him.
A drabble about the fate of Maglor.
In Valinor, Cîr Imladris built, Elrond takes the opportunity to properly catalogue, categorize, and annotate one of the slowly diminishing collection of uncatalogued, uncategorized "miscellaneous objects with words attached" that had been part of the library and archive at Imladris from the beginning.
The specter of Numenor reappears from under the waves, for the time of a tale...
Mother, let me live to see the day go by
Save me from myself, for I will sacrifice
Anything and Everything, to feel Him one more time
--Sacrifice, Aleah.
Turgon loves Elenwë. Finrod loves Turgon. Elenwë is pushed to the brink by the strain of the Helcaraxë. There are strange things done in the land of no sun by the Elves with hair of gold… A love story with a ghostly twist.
Love endures, and nothing is truly forgotten if even one person remembers it. A triple drabble.
Towards the middle of the Second Age, a young Dwarf of the Longbeard royal line seeks out answers to the mysterious visions and memories she has begun to see over her waking sight — the answer may be right in front of her, written plainly in the histories of Durin I and his reincarnation, Durin II, but does she have the strength to follow the thread and accept the truth?
Double-drabble written for the instadrabbling session on the SWG Discord server with the prompts: children, unlikely, discovering, weird.
This counts 200 words in Word.
I would like to share my revelations of Tolkien's Universe in the form of narrative and emotional poems.
The main theme of the Non-Canon stories here will be Humor/Parody, bordering on the "Heretic". Please do not read if you are easily offended by these contents.
All stories will contain much adult language, innuendo, nudity, suggestive/compromising positions, and many embarassing situations for the characters, especially the Fëanorions and Mary Sue.
Main verse for my fanfiction, especially the tales told from the POV of the elves. Stretches from the days of Cuiviénen to (one day) the Dagor Dagorath.
One dark, frozen night in 19th century Massachusetts, Maglor picks up an unexpected passenger.
He made his way unthinkingly deep into the forest, following his ears and his eyes, toward that which lured him madly. The nightingale sang more limpidly as he approached the focus of light.
Elladan and Elrohir have joined their father visiting Greenwood, little do they know that one of Elladan's bed time stories is about to unleash unknown horrors upon the unsuspecting woodland elves.... Prepare for mayhem!
In her flight from imprisonment in Mordor, Mélamírë encounters a strange storm and meets some-one from another Middle-earth.
Written for Pandemonium_213 for B2Me Month 2018
Something for the season. A retired maths teacher has a surprise visitor on New Year's Eve. Over the course of the evening, secrets are told and an old friendship is renewed.
Glorfindel meets a strange being beside the sea at Mithlond and is amazed months later when Erestor makes his way to Imladris to find him. But for everything, there is a price.
Diplomacy is generally a poor source for exciting stories… except when it goes horribly wrong, leaving Gil-galad and the ambassadors of Gondor and Arnor at death's door, and an assassin on the loose. If any of them dies, can the alliance between the Elves and the Numenorean Exiles survive?
During the first age, when Beleriand itself stands on the brink of destruction and Doriath falls from the height of glory to begin its long decline, Celeborn, a Sindarin prince as quick to wisdom as he is to anger, meets Artanis, a Noldorin princess plagued by a dark secret, and, amidst a budding romance, they soon find themselves plunged into a world of intrigue, lies, and mystery as ties between their peoples grow turbulent.
The Midwinter cake is missing, and Idril, Aredhel, and Meleth go on a quest to find it.
(Written for Elleth for the 2015 MPTT Yule Exchange)
Heavily rewritten, again:
This story first appeared in The Silmarillion Writer's Guild's Akâllabeth in August.
Summary, from the Akâllabeth in August page:
Sauron has been taken prisoner by Pharazôn but nurtures an ever-growing influence. In the midst of a Númenor increasingly divided, a young Anárion works quietly after rebellion, discovering both love and betrayal in its midst.