The Mystery of the Missing Cake by The Wavesinger
Fanwork Notes
Almiel is the name of one of Tar-Anarion's sisters; I stole it from the family tree in Aldarion and Erendis, and, since it sounds Sindarin, I hope that works. Neniel is, as far as I am aware, not an actual Sindarin name, but hopefully it passes. Saeros is obviously not the Doriath Saeros (thank you Kaylee!).
Niele is an OC of mine and Aredhel's past partner (now dead). Hopefully the passing mention will go unnoticed, but this is just in case.
The Midwinter cake is based on our family's Christmas cake (made to a Very Secret recipe); it is, I believe, a variation on fruitcake.
Written for Elleth for the prompt "Idril, Aredhel and Meleth solve a winter-themed mystery in Gondolin.".
Thank you so much to Sleepless_Malice for the beta
Fanwork Information
Summary: The Midwinter cake is missing, and Idril, Aredhel, and Meleth go on a quest to find it. (Written for Elleth for the 2015 MPTT Yule Exchange) Major Characters: Aredhel, Idril, Meleth (Elf), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, General, Mystery Challenges: Rating: General Warnings: |
Chapters: 1 | Word Count: 1, 771 |
Posted on 10 January 2016 | Updated on 10 January 2016 |
This fanwork is complete. |
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