Fanworks Tagged with Aredhel

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The Suffering of Maedhros by Annatar_Targaryen

Maedhros, eldest son of Feanor, is captured by Morgoth and chained to the cliffs of Thargorodrim by his order. There is no hope of rescue until his dearest friend appears. (one-shot)

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Without the Counsel of Any by Artano

Fingon leaves a note for his family before attempting to rescue Maedhros

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Lay the Heart Bare, Leaf by Leaf by IdleLeaves

A collection of flashfic, drabbles, and snippets.

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She Hath My Love (Drabbles about Women) by Elrond's Library

A collection of drabbles about women in Tolkien's Legendarium. 

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Jubilee Drabbles by Elrond's Library

Some drabbles from the 1/19/2025 instabrabbling event 

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Aredhel at Eithel Ivrin by Anérea

Painting of Aredhel at the Pools of Ivrin

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An Urgent Matter by Ecthelion

Every morning, I leave you; every evening, you bring me back. An endless game—until the day it is not.

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On the bonnie banks of Ivrin by Himring

Ye'll take the high road / and I’ll take the low road, / and I’ll be in Aman afore ye; / but you and I will never meet again / on the bonnie, bonnie banks of Ivrin.

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Behind God’s Back by silmalope

A short comic for the Sept-Oct 2024 Idiomatic challenge. The stifling environment of Eöl’s “dim halls, silent and secret” contrasts with young Maeglin’s idealized vision of Gondolin as a divine, sunlit paradise, home to the godlike Noldor. 

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From good to bad by Aprilertuile

Tyelkormo is a faithful follower of Oromë. He knows his father would disapprove on principle alone.

This story is his point of view on the events leading to the noldor's exile.

Very biased opinion.

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Grief, Grieving, and Permission to Mourn in the "Quenta Silmarillion" by Dawn Felagund

In a book as full of death as the Quenta Silmarillion, grief and mourning are surprisingly absent. The characters who receive grief and mourning—and those who don't—appear to do so due to narrative bias. Grief and mourning (or a lack of them) serve to draw attention toward and away from objectionable actions committed by characters.

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Betting on Family by Tehta

We are told that Galadriel was “the only woman of the Noldor to stand ... tall and valiant among the contending princes” upon the summit of Túna, when Feanor made his Oath. But why? What about Aredhel: what was she up to?

In this story, I attempt to answer that question, while Írissë and Artanis discuss family matters.

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peaches we devour, dusty skin and all by NiennaWept

Elenwë did not marry for love, and finds herself longing through the years for something forbidden.

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Meet & Greet by cuarthol

Matryoshka inspired art for the Meet & Greet Challenge

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White Water Flowing by StarSpray

In Valinor and homesick for Imladris, Celebrían decides to build a new one.

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Dénouement by sallysavestheday

Amrod and Aredhel shared a common ending in being killed by people they loved. Making peace with that pain in Valinor is hard.

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Blood Ties by AdmirableMonster

A close friend of Lómion's has gone missing, and a dark creature stalks the forests of his home.  When he is summoned by Nan Elmoth itself, Lómion will have to draw upon all the powers he possesses to get himself and his friend home again.

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Kill the flame by stormfallen

Once per year, on the night of a holiday only she still celebrates, Galadriel lights fourteen candles.

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White Flowers by StarSpray

The first and last time Turgon sees Aredhel

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Empty Streets by StarSpray

Fingon comes to Nevrast and finds it empty.

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Snakes and Ladders by polutropos

It is the night of Tirion's masked ball. Fëanáro is after Artanis' hair, Artanis is after a distraction, Macalaurë is deploying all his wiles, and Findaráto is just trying to have a nice time.

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More, More, More by sallysavestheday

Fëanor tolerates his brothers' children. Aredhel, however, he enjoys.

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Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind by between_thepages

Aredhel has returned to Gondolin, but she desires more than to be bound to a place and a person again.

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