More, More, More by sallysavestheday

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Fanwork Notes

A little exploration of the similarities between Aredhel and Fëanor, for Finwëan Ladies Week and the Turgon's Rock Opera prompt of Billy Idol's Rebel Yell. Lyrics of that song notwithstanding, no relationship other than a sort of friendship between uncle and niece is intended in this piece.

Fanwork Information


Fëanor tolerates his brothers' children. Aredhel, however, he enjoys.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Fëanor

Major Relationships: Aredhel & Fëanor


Challenges: Turgon's Rock Opera

Rating: General


Chapters: 1 Word Count: 604
Posted on 22 September 2023 Updated on 23 September 2023

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on More, More, More

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This just made my little rebellious heart glow. I think this is the first time I've ever read these two in companionship, and I just love their points of connection. And I love the similarities and contrasts you pick out, your thoughtful choice of words.

I love this! I had never thought to compare the two before, but you do so very thoughtfully, always looking below the surfaces of things. I like the thought of Fëanor, Celegorm, and Aredhel out in the wilds together; it makes what follows all the more bitter. The argument you make about their hubris is well characterized and creative.