Meet & Greet by cuarthol

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Fanwork Notes

For the Meet & Greet Matryoshka challenge

Fanwork Information


Matryoshka inspired art for the Meet & Greet Challenge

Major Characters: Aredhel, Beren, Celebrimbor, Edain, Elu Thingol, Eöl, Finrod Felagund, Lúthien Tinúviel, Maeglin, Melian, Narvi, Oromë

Major Relationships:

Genre: General

Type: Drawing/Painting

Challenges: Meet & Greet

Rating: General


Posted on 14 March 2024 Updated on 14 March 2024

"Nesting doll" figures of the Doors of Durin, Celebrimbor, and Narvi. This was inspired by the collaborative nature of the challenge.

Ink and watercolor on paper.

Matryoshka styled figures of Celebrimbor and Narvi in front of a larger 'doll' shaped Doors of Durin

"Nesting dolls" of Eol, Aredhel, and Maeglin (and his pet mole).  This was for the International Fanworks stamp.

Ink and watercolor on paper

Matryoshka styled figures of Eol, Aredhel, and Maeglin

To fit the Meet & Greet challenge, I picked some famous "meetings" out of the Silmarillion to depict.

In order of largest to smallest: 

Thingol and Melian meeting in Nan Elmoth
Finrod finding the Beorians and playing to them as they slept
Oromë finding the awakened Elves at Cuivienen
Beren seeing Luthien dancing in Doriath

Ink and watercolor on paper

Progressively smaller matryoshka dolls featuring Thingol/Melian, Finrod & the Edain, Orome & the first Elves, and Luthien/Beren

Comments on Meet & Greet

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I adore this. I love the level of detail and the chibi-ness of these dolls, and all of the stories inside of the paintings! Such a great job. (I see you, tiny platypus.)

It's lovely to see them all, and especially to have descriptions to read so I'm sure what and who I'm looking at (being visually impaired!) Thank you so much for sharing these.