Fanworks Tagged with Melian

This is a Audio fanwork

{podfic} Lúthad "Enchantment" by Anérea

Melian and Thingol stand enchanted for two hundred years. Why could no one find them in all that time? And what did they see in each other to keep them entranced for so long? 

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She Hath My Love (Drabbles about Women) by Elrond's Library

A collection of drabbles about women in Tolkien's Legendarium. 

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Matters under Maiarin Investigation by Himring

Shortly after Thingol emerged from Nan Elmoth with Melian to rejoin the Sindar: Celeborn would very much prefer not to be asked some questions by Melian.

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The Silmarillion: Who Speaks? by Dawn Felagund

On ongoing project to analyze who speaks in The Silmarillion and who is silent.

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On the bonnie banks of Ivrin by Himring

Ye'll take the high road / and I’ll take the low road, / and I’ll be in Aman afore ye; / but you and I will never meet again / on the bonnie, bonnie banks of Ivrin.

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I Will Hold Your Hand Forever by LadySternchen

A course through time with my most beloved king and queen.

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The Patience of the Oak by Rocky41_7

Galadriel is determined to show Melian she is capable of more than Melian believes. Melian wonders if her pupil grasps her lessons.

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Moon in the heat of summer by Quente

The rider loosed the arrow before Dior could call a warning, and so he did what he needed to without a second thought – he leapt from the bush where he’d been hiding, and yelled to startle the deer into motion.

The doe ran; the herd ran; the arrow sank into the ground behind Dior with a deep wet thwock.

And then the rider came up to him, and Dior saw that this rider too was naked.

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Leaf and Branch, Water and Stone by StarSpray

Galadriel sat at her loom and began to weave. As she passed the shuttle through the warp she cast her thoughts to the natural world, to the many varying hues of grey of the stones, of the myriad greens of the trees and the grass, of the uncountable shades of brown in between.

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Like a vast shadow moved by Quente

Nimloth drags her feet about a certain decision; Melian has no time for that.

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The Merchant of Valinor by Tehta

A series of acrostics based on the letters provided in the Tengwar challenge, telling the story of one enterprising Telerin merchant.

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On a night of stars, a bird by Quente

Nimloth and Dior meet, and he is naked.


Melian travels south to visit her daughter, and meets a familiar looking bird.

Written for the Tengwar prompt, Quessë (feather).

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Apprentice by Quente

Dior is in Menegroth learning to be his grandfather's heir -- but his grandmother decides to take him as apprentice too.

Written for the Tengwar Challenge, May 15: Súlë (spirit).

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This is a Artwork fanwork

Meet & Greet by cuarthol

Matryoshka inspired art for the Meet & Greet Challenge

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Come Together, Broken Things, and Grow by UnicornsInSpace

Idril and Meleth (my OC) welcome Finduilas, Niënor, and other refugees into Havens after the Fall of Doriath, hoping they can start anew there. Finduilas's daughter is distraught about the situation. Also, how did Finduilas and Niënor make it to the Havens after the Fall of Doriath?

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M&G drabbles collection by mairoff

Drabbles Content:

  1. Something never seen before: Arien
  2. A wrong interpretation: Tilion / Arien
  3. Being delayed: Eönwë
  4. Lost in memory: Nienna
  5. Reading a good book: Celeborn / Galadriel
  6. “Wait…that can’t be right…”: Melian
  7. Group - Follow: Eönwë
  8. Running - Distance - Breathless - Limits: Fingon
  9. Contempt: Varda
  10. A sentient object: the One Ring
  11. A fresh start: Maeglin
  12. Unusual weather: Cirdan
  13. A favourite place: Celebrian
  14. A minor catastrophe: Ossë

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(Not So) Cheap Sunglasses by UnicornsInSpace

In a modern/all human AU, Celeborn meets Galadriel while going to eat with his family and is smitten.

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Documents from Doriath in Rivendell's Library by UnicornsInSpace

Small pieces of the Silm told through documents from Doriath.

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Drabble Collection: Experimental Challenge by mairoff

11 Drabbles for the Experimental Challenge.

  • Melkor x Fluithuin
  • Maglor x Daeron
  • Mairon & Melian
  • Eönwë x Arien
  • Galadriel x Luthien
  • Mairon x Arien
  • Sons of Fëanor
  • Maedhros x Mairon
  • Fëanor & Nolofinwë
  • Maiar of Ulmo
  • Aulë & Tevildo

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Betrayed by LadySternchen

Lúthien thinks she can trust her best friend- until she is proven wrong. 

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Along Came an Elf by dalliansss

After Oromë sends a Hunting Party to investigate the reports of proliferation of fell beasts far in South Aman, the entire errand goes horrifically wrong. Celegorm was prepared to die a grisly death, yet he dares to beg the Great Void Spider to spare his life, which to his surprise, the request is heeded. Then comes the most unlikely partnership and friendship in all of Arda, and its unexpected consequences.

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Echo of the Music by StarSpray

Yet this newest tapestry was different. Elu saw that immediately upon walking into the room. Melian’s hands moved swiftly across the the tapestry, woven in brilliant colors and shapes, picking out new details and marvelous things in clever embroidery, her silver needles flashing in the lamplight.

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Making Preparations by StarSpray

A moment in the forges between Melian and Mablung, before he leaves to join the Union of Maedhros.

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