Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Celebrimbor fainted. Narvi worries about her friend.
Just a few of my favourite podfics that I've found soothing for bedtime (or middle of the night, or any time really) listening.
Fics written for the "Tengwar" challenge.
Matryoshka inspired art for the Meet & Greet Challenge
Sometimes you just need a little help with a code from the author, even if you've been working with it for decades. If only they would answer their dang phone!
So, instead Maeglin calls an old friend, hears an amusing anecdote and passes on a message.
It's all in a day's work.
Except for the autopilot. That took a lot longer.
A voluble dwarf delights the inn with a legend adulterated by his drunken elucubrations. It's up to you to disentangle the true from the false...
Celebrimbor and Narvi share their first morning together in bed.
Instadrabbles from the SWG Discord server sessions on 31 July-1 August 2021, with Olympics-flavored prompts.
Celebrimbor kisses Narvi. Narvi kisses Celebrimbor. Somehow, Celebrimbor is still perplexed.
A series of short pieces designed to respond to the Utopia challenge and surrounding the building of Eregion.
It responds to this prompt:
"We have to build the Republic of Heaven where we are, because for us there is no elsewhere."
- Philip Pullman, The Amber Spyglass
But it also carries this quote in mind:
"There is no Zion, save where you are."
-- Tony Kushner, Angels in America
We know Celebrimbor canonically worked together with Narvi; whether he ever watched his grandmother's father Mahtan at work, Tolkien does not tell us.
It was my idea that Mahtan and Narvi might have something in common, in his eyes...
A collection of ficlets written for the 2019 Solstice instradrabbling challenge on Discord.
Celebrimbor is his father’s son.
(snapshots from the life of a more Fëanorian Celebrimbor)
Narvi is intrigued and a little unnerved by Celebrimbor's companion. Celebrimbor is soppy about his scaly, fire-breathing friend. Fluffy short one-shot. Slightly AU.
Celebrimbor was first imagined as the descendant of Daeron. I decided to run with it.
Celebrimbor was the heir to the kingdom of Doriath before his father decided to vanish into thin air, leaving naught but a hastily scribbled note for a messenger to hand to him. In a difficult position as the black sheep of the royal family, Celebrimbor decides to leave for Nargothrond hoping not only to find a place where he fits in, but perhaps even word on the mysterious figure that was his mother.
Celebrimbor is seeking something, though Maeglin does not know what.
Celebrimbor sees too much of his family's mistakes in Maeglin.
Together, they dig a tunnel.
Three moments between Narvi and Celebrimbor: first meeting, under the mountain, the Doors of Durin. (Drabble sequence.)
Great minds think alike in Second Age Eregion.
Celebrimbor the Ringmaker was tortured to death and could not heal in the Halls of Mandos. His dwarven companion Narvi saw the unthinkable and never found peace. Maglor Fëanorion forgot about the world, but not about the blood on his own hands.
At the dusk of the Third Age, two broken elves and a dwarf ghost set out to fight the Enemy. They mean to find the Rings of Power, but their adventures take an unexpected turn...
Contains Celebrimbor/Narvi established relationship (old-married-couple) romance.
On an ordinary day in SA 1697, Narvi is - as often before - losing herself in work.
On that same day, standing in a chamber of torture and looking at the battered body of the Elf he once proclaimed a friend, Annatar - better known as Sauron - realises that the Noldo is as stubborn as his grandfather, and will not reveal the location of the Three Rings.
Delirious with bloodloss, desperate to thwart the evil he naively helped create, to make the pain stop, Celebrimbor remembers a snippet of an old bedtime story, the calm voice of his uncle speaking.
He knows the Songs of Power, knows how his House could do fantastical things through song, but he never really believed in the Song of Souls... until he is standing in an unfamiliar workshop, staring at a heart-breakingly familiar face.
On an ordinary day in SA 1697, Narvi begins hearing voices... well, one voice.
Save them
Featuring Ghost!Celebrimbor, No-nonsense-Narví, Pining Glorfindel, Oblivious Erestor, and gratuitous use of Dwarf Culture.
Celebrimbor and Narvi meet, plan a city and build a life together.
Written for Tolkien Secret Santa 2017, for Rogercat, who wanted a sweet moment between Celebrimbor & a female Narvi and ended up with four moments and a rather longer story than intended - sorry! :-) [thanks to Raiyana for beta-reading.]
Thingol bargains for a necklace, the dwarves make a crown to scare dragons, and Narvi decides to make up for Celebrimbor's failings.
Three linked drabbles.
During various moments in his life, Celebrimbor is forced to reconsider the meaning of peace.
Newly arrived at Khazad-dûm in the Second Age, the Elven loremaster Pengolodh presents a portion of his new book to Narvi only to discover that his understanding of the “great profit” that existed between the Dwarves of Belegost and the people of Caranthir in the First Age is not quite what he assumed. Written for Zdenka for the 2015 LotRGenfic/MPTT Yule Exchange.