Fanworks Tagged with Celebrimbor

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but for the look in his eyes by awwyeah107

When Maedhros goes to parley with Morgoth’s army after Fëanáro’s death, Celebrimbor sneaks out to join him, and the consequences are dire.

Rated M for graphic violence (primarily torture). First three chapters were posted only on AO3 in 2024.

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What lips my lips have kissed, and why by AdmirableMonster

The king's natural philosophers are an elite group of men of science in Armenelos. When one of them is discovered to be (apparently) a woman in disguise, he is expelled from their ranks. Unfortunately, his youth and beauty draw the interest of the king, and there is no one with the power to protect him, not even the High Priest himself, although to the philosopher's surprise, Tar-Mairon tries...

A possible origin story for the Mouth of Sauron.

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The Deeds of His Father by Zdenka

As Nargothrond reacts to Finrod's death, Celebrimbor secretly goes to Orodreth.

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puissance (stay my hand now) by queerofthedagger

Celebrimbor smiles into the dark, and wonders if this is what Nelyafinwë meant when he spoke of the satisfaction of resistance, no matter its price.

Sauron does not kill him in Eregion. This is his first mistake.

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Dreams Fade at Dawn by Zdenka

Annatar sets off on a journey, challenging Celebrimbor to create something in his absence. Later, Celebrimbor uses the Ring of Air for the first time.

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In Defense of Celebrimbor by AdmirableMonster

An essay on the subject of Celebrimbor, sin, and pity.

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Despair and Defiance by Zdenka

Celebrimbor comes to Galadriel with word of Annatar’s betrayal, and offers her a gift.

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The Obstinate Spirit Of A Dying House by Gabriel

After an attempt on the High King's life, Celebrimbor realizes his priorities.

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Jubilee 2025 Instadrabbling by elennalore

Three 100 words drabbles I wrote during the Jubilee 2025 live instadrabbling event on the SWG discord server.

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Instadrabbles (delayed dribbles) by 0ur_Ouroboros

A selection of brief writings (mostly conforming to drabbles but some veer into dribble territory) from the SWG events on January 18-19, 2025.

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Celebrimbor: 30-Day Character Study by cloudyhymns

Notes and writings on Celebrimbor, following the 30-Day Character Study challenge prompts.

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Tomber dans les pommes by daughterofshadows

Celebrimbor fainted. Narvi worries about her friend.

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This is a Link Collection fanwork

Bedtime Stories by Anérea

Just a few of my favourite podfics that I've found soothing for bedtime (or middle of the night, or any time really) listening.

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The Fics that Hooked Me: a rec list by Anérea

These are the first fanfics I ever read, and they are all truly fabulous and absolutely timeless and 100% recommended!

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mouths of fire by nycterisg

It is Curufin who crafts the three gems. Starting with the one of fire.

Or: Curufin copes with grief in true Noldorin fashion.

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Hurting Tyelpë by elennalore

Sauron has taken Celebrimbor as a prisoner in Ost-in-Edhil. Whump happens.

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Collection of Potluck Drabbles by Artano

This is a collection of true drabbles completed for the 'Four Words' drabble bingo card.

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Partners in Craft by elennalore

Annatar realises that he might like Celebrimbor too much.

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Ransom of the Fairy Twins by Rocky41_7

Maglor and Maedhros trade Elrond and Elros to King Gil-galad in exchange for a Silmaril, but they have miscalculated.

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Atarinkë by clotho123

Celegorm reflects on Curufin, Aredhel and Celebrimbor.

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The Strands that Bind by AdmirableMonster

Merry Brandybuck and Estella Bolger named their first child Boromir, after the hero of the War of the Ring. But the young hobbit's dearest secret is the name she wishes she had. One quiet day, after finding an unusual necklace in the cellar, she begins to see visions of an ancient past that whisper to her of ways she might heal a poisoned pond that has never recovered since the Scouring of the Shire. Can she unlock the secrets of a long-ago chemister and his lover and find the courage to stay true to herself along the way?

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An Elf at the North Pole by elennalore

Re-embodied Celebrimbor can’t find peace in Aman, so he takes the icy road Helcaraxë back to Middle-earth. The world is changed, however, and he finds himself in a very different place. But what if his past comes back to haunt him even there?

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Tengwar Acrostics by Himring

Responses to the Tengwar Challenge in which first letters spell out the name of a tengwa: 1) Early Encounter (Nerdanel, Indis); 2) Numenorean Lullaby (Almarian, Aldarion); 3) Tink-Tink (Telchar); 4) Such lamps as once shone in Khazad-dum (Celebrimbor).

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"Tengwar" ficlets by chrissystriped

Fics written for the "Tengwar" challenge.

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Tengwar: To The Letter by cuarthol

For the Tengwar prompt challenge. 
All 36 prompts plus bonus chapter

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