Ransom of the Fairy Twins by Rocky41_7

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Fanwork Notes

Fanwork Information


Maglor and Maedhros trade Elrond and Elros to King Gil-galad in exchange for a Silmaril, but they have miscalculated.

Major Characters: Elrond, Elros, Gil-galad, Oropher, Maglor

Major Relationships: Elrond & Elros, Elrond & Elros & Maglor, Elrond/Gil-galad

Genre: Family, General, Slash


Rating: Creator Chooses Not to Rate


Chapters: 4 Word Count: 20, 663
Posted on 27 October 2024 Updated on 23 November 2024

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Table of Contents

A fill for a prompt on the Silmarillion Kink Meme.

Comments on Ransom of the Fairy Twins

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I love how Gil-galad and Oropher behave toward the twins. Oropher and the Sinda, in particular, have such a lovely way of raising children and the twins were so lucky in their choice to live with him. Love the way they go on about exploring their heritage with other people, love the slow burn romance between Elrond and Gil-galad and how each twin comes into their own person. The scene with Maglor was gut-wrenching. Lovely work. I'm looking forward to reading more. 

Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing the twins in Greenwood; it was great to explore what it might have been like if they'd had a chance to connect with this part of their heritage when they were still growing up. I've wanted to write something about their childhood and young adulthood for a while now, and this prompt gave me the perfect chance! I think given their childhood experiences they would grow into young adults really searching for "their" place, and the tragedy when it turns out the answer to that is not the same for both of them hits hard </3 Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I'm glad you enjoyed it!