Mereth Aderthad Registration Is Open!
Registration for attending Mereth Aderthad is open for both in-person and virtual attendees and will remain open through the day of the event.
Most of our members are welcoming the autumn season and preparing for the cold months ahead, and it is easy to forget that for a good part of the world--and several of our members--the spring is warming toward summer.
Whether you are feeling chilly at the thought of winter ahead or eagerly welcoming spring, this challenge asks you to write a story or poem celebrating new beginnings. Birth, marriage, first love, a journey to a new home, or the rebirth of hope following success in battle--all of these and more will satisfy this challenge!
This challenge opened in .
A short scene from the dungeons of Angband.
No actual gore, but Angband is Angband...
Now added: 'Orc' - an orc escapes from the Fall of Angband.
As she faces the concequences of her sons and husband's actions daily, Nerdanel must make a decision how to face tomorrow.
~ MEFA 2009: First Place in Genres: Drama: House of Finwë
Drabble (or, more accurately, a drabble and a half - 150 words) written for Elfscribe, who asked for Beleg and Túrin. Follows in the same universe as my story "Will Overruled by Fate."
(New: see illustration by Robinka, added as Chapter 12.) This is a sequel to my first tale, (Maitimo and Findekáno), in my cycle of stories recounting the life-long relationship between Fingon and Maedhros. It occurs after the definitive fracture between the Houses of Feanor and Fingolfin and the flight of the Noldor to Middle-earth. Beginning immediately after Fingon’s rescue of Maedhros from the cliffs of Thangorodrim, it tells of how Fingon and Maedhros reunite and together resolve to heal the divisions among the Noldor. (Slash.)
MEFA 2008 First Place, Longer Works: General
MEFA 2007 2nd Place, Elves: Incomplete