What lips my lips have kissed, and why by AdmirableMonster

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Fanwork Notes

Those who have read my Steampunk Númenor series may recognize Nimruzimir; no knowledge of that series is necessary for this fic, though there are some easter eggs.

From the perspective of that series, this fic functions as an AU (or perhaps the Darkest Possible Timeline), so if you like Nimruzimir and want to see less bad things happen to him you may wish to investigate here.

Title from the poem of (almost) the same name by Edna St. Vincent Millay

Fanwork Information


The king's natural philosophers are an elite group of men of science in Armenelos. When one of them is discovered to be (apparently) a woman in disguise, he is expelled from their ranks. Unfortunately, his youth and beauty draw the interest of the king, and there is no one with the power to protect him, not even the High Priest himself, although to the philosopher's surprise, Tar-Mairon tries...

A possible origin story for the Mouth of Sauron.

Major Characters: Mouth of Sauron, Original Male Character(s), Sauron, Ar-Pharazôn

Major Relationships: Sauron/Original Character, Ar-Pharazon/Sauron, Sauron/Mouth of Sauron

Genre: Drama


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Domestic and Partner Violence, Expletive Language, In-Universe Intolerance, In-Universe Queerphobia/LGBTQIA+ Intolerance, In-Universe Sexism/Misogyny, Mature Themes, Rape/Nonconsensual Sex, Sexual Content (Graphic), Violence (Graphic)

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 6, 705
Posted on 16 February 2025 Updated on 16 February 2025

This fanwork is complete.

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