Fanworks Tagged with Violence (Graphic)

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Fractures by Elleth

On a scouting trip to Dorthonion in preparation for the Fifth Battle, Maedhros, Fingon and Fingon's wife Alphangil find themselves embroiled in a battle for Alphangil's life when a traitor strikes. Will their relationship survive the fractures and trials ahead?

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What lips my lips have kissed, and why by AdmirableMonster

The king's natural philosophers are an elite group of men of science in Armenelos. When one of them is discovered to be (apparently) a woman in disguise, he is expelled from their ranks. Unfortunately, his youth and beauty draw the interest of the king, and there is no one with the power to protect him, not even the High Priest himself, although to the philosopher's surprise, Tar-Mairon tries...

A possible origin story for the Mouth of Sauron.

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The King's Gift by françawën

The hands of the King are the hands of the Healer, it's said. The King's Gift though is far larger than that. 

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Unhappy Into Woe by StarSpray

Maglor's wanderings take him up the Anduin, where orcs find him and take him to Dol Guldur--where the Necromancer dwells. 

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One Flesh, One Soul. Part I by FellFireFan

Aegnor, Lord of Dorthonion, is an Elven Prince with quite a reputation. Fiery, earthy and sensual with a wrath that no one would knowingly provoke. He is beautiful, wild and playful as he is dangerous, passionate and utterly terrifying. A far cry from the noble decorum expected as an elven prince and a noble lord. Yet, beneath his impenetrable, battle hardened exterior, there lies a deeply lonely and haunted soul who craves companionship and intimacy. Little does he know that a chance encounter with a lost and frightened young mortal girl one freezing morning in Dorthonion will set him on a collision course with destiny and unravel his entire world, igniting an extraordinary love wrought with challenges, sacrifice and intense desire. Brace yourself for part 1 of a captivating tale, woven by the power of passionate love and loss.

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We are not lost in the mortal city by AdmirableMonster

Gil-galad and Círdan arrive at the Mouth of Sirion, too late.

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The Hands of the Prince by Valxyri

Someone is planting bombs in Minas Tirith.

Early in the Forth Age, when King Elessar's life is threatened, it is up to the young prince and an unlikely ally to bring down the threat to the realms of Men.

But in the chaos of a city rocked by violence, Prince Eldarion Telcontar will discover the true meaning of his inheritance.

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Gilded Knife by elennalore

Ar-Pharazôn takes part in the first ceremony of the new Temple, and Zigûr is there to help him.

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The Gap to Himring by StarSpray

Maglor makes it within sight of Himring before his horse is cut out from under him.

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Fruit of the Family Tree by Rocky41_7

All is not as it seems when Thranduil enters the ancestral Feanorian estate, but he fails to fully comprehend the scale and nature of the risk. If he's very lucky, one day he might even get to leave.

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Twice He Answered by Adoraincerta

After the War of Wrath they were taken again.

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Blood Ties by AdmirableMonster

A close friend of Lómion's has gone missing, and a dark creature stalks the forests of his home.  When he is summoned by Nan Elmoth itself, Lómion will have to draw upon all the powers he possesses to get himself and his friend home again.

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Vicious Inhumanity by Independence1776

Maglor and the other Elves underestimated the Human Preservation Organization.

Written for Narya in the 2023 GoreSwap exchange.

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Extinguished by Rocky41_7

Nerdanel had hoped to beat Feanor to Formenos, but she came too late.

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In the Dark and the Light by chrissystriped

Adar's life through the First Age -- before he was even called Adar.

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The hammer and the star by Chiara Cadrich

A voluble dwarf delights the inn with a legend adulterated by his drunken elucubrations. It's up to you to disentangle the true from the false...

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The Binds of Death have been Unwound by chrissystriped

The wolf that kills Finrod has not always been a wolf.

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The Wolf and the Woman by chrissystriped

Carnlóme finds some of his soldiers about to have their way with a prisoner and steps in to protect her. He soon comes to like her.

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Alive at the Wake by herenortherenearnorfar

"Now Celebrimbor was not corrupted in heart or faith, but had accepted Sauron as what he posed to be; and when at length he discovered the existence of the One Ring he revolted against Sauron, and went to Lórinand to take counsel once more with Galadriel. They should have destroyed all the Rings of Power at this time, "but they failed to find the strength.""

They find the strength.

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Desmemoria by UnnamedElement

How does one explain to one’s children the horror of what one has seen and done? Thranduil wrestles with how to tell Legolas about the history of their folk and, with his wife’s encouragement, he revisits the testimony of the Sindarin refugees collected by Oropher, in preparation. Locked away in secret archives or not, the past is never really past, and even children can outsmart memory.

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The Seven Gates by Laerthel

The impossible happened – a Silmaril has been stolen from Morgoth’s crown. Maedhros decides to reunite the People of Beleriand against the Enemy and attack him while he is still unprepared (which is by no means less impossible). Meanwhile, in the hidden city of Gondolin, Lord Glorfindel of the Golden Flower pursues the meaning of his recurring nightmares, only to find himself in the centre of a secret ploy against the ever-growing power of Maeglin Lómion in the King’s Council.

The People of Beleriand are astir; and as the strings of our heroes’ fates tangle, a dark shadow creeps above the North – the Fifth Battle approaches. And to what end, no one could dream...

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The last gift of Oromë by SkyEventide

Celegorm, who was friend of Oromë, who often visited the Vala's house and learnt the language of all birds and beasts - but hunted them also. This is a story of the noontide of Valinor, of a hunting party and of the deities of bow and arrow, loyalty yet untarnished, gifts and wisdom, and what it means to understand and talk to the things you kill. Sometimes Snow White and the Huntsman are the same person.

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NOLDOLANTË by bluehair

I happened to be watching Saving Private Ryan. So I decided that this looks bright and shiny...

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Revelator by Lilith

The War of the Ring has ended and nothing has turned out exactly as anyone expected. Sauron, who is in this version female and known originally as Mairen and now as Thû, has survived, remained corporeal and been captured.  As such, she will be sent to Valinor to stand trial.


Posted in a very different form.   Heavily revised.  Completed and being posted gradually  as final revisions are made.

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