Desmemoria by UnnamedElement

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Fanwork Notes

This story is part of a larger LotR-centric verse that can be found on my profiles at Ao3 and FFnet. I have included it on this site because it specifically has to do with the Third Kinslaying at Sirion and features characters from the Silmarillion and HoME, namely the sons of Feanor and Oropher. On pause until after TRSB.


  • This fic generally deals with the ways in which families with a history of violence, persecution, or war trauma are affected by it, and how they must learn to communicate it to their children. If you have these stories in your own history, please take care.
  • Canonical and OC character deaths and violence will be indicated in the chapters in which they will occur.

Notes about my verse

  1. "Emlineg" is Legolas' parents' pet name for him, in the spirit of multiple elven naming practices. It means, roughly, "my little yellow bird."
  2. On the unnamed wives: Thranduil's mother Golnamir is laiquendi/guest-elf of Doriath, whom Oropher met when she would visit Menegroth with her father for Thingol's councils. Thranduil's wife is Gwaerain, a Silvan elf from Southern Mirkwood. Thranduil & Gwaerain marry in Third Age (TA) 195.
  3. Legolas is about 7 years old in this story (born around TA1744), and he is the youngest of the siblings at this point. The eldest, Lumornon, was born in about TA 253; and Felavel, the sister, was born in TA 484. Yes, I'm aware the timing of these births is...weird for elves. It is sort of addressed in "Enough," a series on FFnet.
  4. The questions Legolas asks his mother about wood-elf ethnicity (in the last section of this chapter) can be found in the ficlet [You Carry Them in Your Heart] (podfic also available on Ao3).

Final notes

  • This fic is neither pro- nor con- Sons of Feanor, but it is commentary on historical bias, and it seeks to fill a gap in the canon.
  • I am open to constructive criticism and conversation, but I ask that you contact me privately to discuss. 
Fanwork Information


How does one explain to one’s children the horror of what one has seen and done? Thranduil wrestles with how to tell Legolas about the history of their folk and, with his wife’s encouragement, he revisits the testimony of the Sindarin refugees collected by Oropher, in preparation. Locked away in secret archives or not, the past is never really past, and even children can outsmart memory.

Major Characters: Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Legolas Greenleaf, Maglor, Oropher, Thranduil

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Family


Rating: Adult

Warnings: Character Death, Mature Themes, Violence (Graphic)

Chapters: 2 Word Count: 7, 165
Posted on 25 July 2021 Updated on 26 July 2021

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Table of Contents

Asterisks indicate lines lifted nearly in whole from the Silmarillion.

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