Fanworks Tagged with Character Death

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The Warrior and the Stone by 0ur_Ouroboros

“They left everything behind? All of their families?” Elrond asks.
“All for a magic stone?” he asks.
“Yes. A very special, very magical stone,” Maglor says, unsure why he should have to justify his deeds to a child.

Maglor tells Elrond and Elros a story. Maedhros listens.

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Paradox of the Fourth Age by Alassante

One wrong decision can make a world of difference. When one of the Fellowship makes the mistake, the consequences are so severe that only the Valar can repair it. But will they?

Glorfindel daughter's life is in Elrohir's hands and only she remembers th eir love for each other. The fate of Middle Earth depends on everyone walking their intended path.Torn between the past and the future, she is forbidden to warn them of any missteps.

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Burning in the Darkness by Artano

Series of snippets focusing on Finrod and written for the Restoration & Rebuilding and Jubilee challenges

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Moods of Tarn Aeluin by Anérea

Two moodboards depicting Tarn Aeluin 

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Jubilee Instadrabbling 2025 by Lindariel

Eight perfect drabbles (and one bonus accidentally AU one) from the SWG Discord instadrabbling session in January 2025.

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May you live in interesting times by 0ur_Ouroboros

There is no escaping guilt.


Maedhros finds another orphan in the woods.

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Triptych, II by Grundy

Three vignettes, three times Luthien thinks about Treelight and Silmarils.

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Distance by StarSpray

There was a gap between them that he did not know how to cross.

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Seven Names by Anne Wolfe

Seven names a princess of Rohan and daughter of Helm Hammerhand might have borne, and the fates that accompany them.

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Mercy, Love by Elleth

Maedhros' rescue from Thangorodrim left him deeply scarred. But how did it impact Fingon as his rescuer? A drabble sequence from Thangorodrim to the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.

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Silhouettes of Doom by Ecthelion


"At least we have learned that the sons of Fëanor can die too." Nine POVs, one matter - a story about the kinslaying in Doriath.

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Amroth's Lament by Flora-lass

Amroth is in the sea. A 100-word poem.

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One Flesh, One Soul. Part II by FellFireFan

The fates of the lovers have been sealed. After Aegnor makes a promise to Andreth he seeks council one last time from Finrod to reveal the identity of the maiden who had stolen his heart and hopes Finrod will share in his newfound happiness. However, it does not go well between the brothers, and a heated argument unfolds, plunging even Finrods' own safety into uncertainty. Aegnor finds himself faced with an agonising choice, one that will rip his entire being asunder. Yet hope still remains, and it rests in the palm of none other than Erú Illuvatar himself who, through the sheer power of Aegnor's undying love for Andreth, has taken notice. Brace yourself once more for this gripping continuation. Where the power of love truly conquers all.

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Heyr himna smiðr by Zdenka

In the wake of Nirnaeth Arnoediad, the Dwarves of Belegost mourn their dead.

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Dust and Ashes by Artano

Húrin kills Mîm and wanders through the remains of a decaying city, the remnants of the peoples who once lived there and called it home.

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One Flesh, One Soul. Part I by FellFireFan

Aegnor, Lord of Dorthonion, is an Elven Prince with quite a reputation. Fiery, earthy and sensual with a wrath that no one would knowingly provoke. He is beautiful, wild and playful as he is dangerous, passionate and utterly terrifying. A far cry from the noble decorum expected as an elven prince and a noble lord. Yet, beneath his impenetrable, battle hardened exterior, there lies a deeply lonely and haunted soul who craves companionship and intimacy. Little does he know that a chance encounter with a lost and frightened young mortal girl one freezing morning in Dorthonion will set him on a collision course with destiny and unravel his entire world, igniting an extraordinary love wrought with challenges, sacrifice and intense desire. Brace yourself for part 1 of a captivating tale, woven by the power of passionate love and loss.

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Until the final flicker of life’s embers by Quente

Dior did not see the arrow until it pierced his own flesh, a hard thrust of a point entering his back and blossoming out of his heart. The pain of the wound, and the feeling of his body in uncertain panic around it, was almost secondary to his curiosity.

Now what?

Dior felt strangely detached, as if he had stepped out of his body. He watched himself fall over the body of the Golodh he’d slain. Dior had worn no helm nor armor that day – and he saw his hair fan out to cover them both. They died together in the dark cloak of it.

Dior’s eyes closed, and all was dark.


And then Dior opened his eyes.

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The Fall of Felagund by cuarthol

The song battle between Felagund and Sauron

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A Summary of The Disaster of the Gladden Fields (Unfinished Tales) by elennalore

A summary of the events in J.R.R. Tolkien's text The Disaster of the Gladden Fields, written for the Third Age Sessions at Alliance of Arda.

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Tumult by StarSpray

After the chaos of the War of Wrath, Uinen smooths the way for the ships of the Edain to sail to their new home.

Later, she does what she can at its fall.

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Coincidences of Fate by cílil

Sometimes Eönwë wonders if his life is just like Manwë's romance novels. Sometimes he even thinks the One may be laughing at him from above.

A story told in exactly 4 1/3 drabbles.

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The Noldolantë (Sirion verses) by Tehta

The third kinslaying, as a musical.

Please do not take this too seriously. The writer certainly doesn't.

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From good to bad by Aprilertuile

Tyelkormo is a faithful follower of Oromë. He knows his father would disapprove on principle alone.

This story is his point of view on the events leading to the noldor's exile.

Very biased opinion.

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Let’s make the most of this beautiful day by Quente

A very great man dies, and asks if he can be of more help to the universe because it has been so good to him.

...Eru Illúvatar takes him up on the offer.

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