Until the final flicker of life’s embers by Quente

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Fanwork Notes

So I was trying to finish up my Dior and Nimloth meet-cute fic, but I knew the second kinslaying was coming and I felt enormous resistance to writing it. So Bunn suggested, "Why not write what comes after the ending, first?"

I did, and here it is. With many thanks also to Bunn for the beta, and Chestnut for the names, and Shihali for the names in Telerin.


Fanwork Information


Dior did not see the arrow until it pierced his own flesh, a hard thrust of a point entering his back and blossoming out of his heart. The pain of the wound, and the feeling of his body in uncertain panic around it, was almost secondary to his curiosity.

Now what?

Dior felt strangely detached, as if he had stepped out of his body. He watched himself fall over the body of the Golodh he’d slain. Dior had worn no helm nor armor that day – and he saw his hair fan out to cover them both. They died together in the dark cloak of it.

Dior’s eyes closed, and all was dark.


And then Dior opened his eyes.

Major Characters: Dior, Lúthien Tinúviel, Nimloth, Elwing, Eärendil, Idril, Tuor, Olwë

Major Relationships: Dior/Nimloth, Dior & Elwing, Dior & Lúthien

Genre: Drama, Family, General

Challenges: Idiomatic

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Character Death

Chapters: 4 Word Count: 19, 207
Posted on 11 October 2024 Updated on 11 October 2024

This fanwork is a work in progress.

Comments on Until the final flicker of life’s embers

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Always fascinated with the differing way people imagine the Silmarils to have power or be sentient!

Very interesting how their souls seem to break into their parts, one staying in the hall of mortals, the other seeking the rebirth of Elves!

Thank you for reading! I am grateful for your comment, too. ... Yeah, Dior and Luthien were two strange characters in the histories; I worried that lacking choice meant they'd be stuck somewhere odd (for Dior) or somewhere unsuitable (for Luthien), and I guess that was part of the impetus for this fic.

Oooh Nessa's party!  How delightful, I would be sorely put upon not to join, also. <3

Uilon is delightful lol

I enjoyed how you personified Ekkaia, and such beautiful descriptions of Alqualonde. 

"more happiness have we had than if we’d managed to please everyone but ourselves" - Profound!! Would that we all could learn this wisdom!

(alas, lunch is over, the rest will have to wait, but this is lovely so far!)

But they pretended very hard that they did not know who was staying at Uilon’s house.

They're so cute!  All the gifts, so thoughtful! 

Meeting with Elwing and Earendil was so beautiful!  I agree with Luthien, Beren's fate vs. Tuor's seems horribly unfair.

Aaahhh Tuor and Idril <3  Tuor is absolutely adorable lol

Nimloth reunion at last!!  *Elenas* ^.^ <3

Beautiful story


“Not everyone has dance in their nature” I feel seen rip

This is such a creative and dreamlike story! I really love Uilon, just a chill fisherman striking up conversations with strangers and handing out seafood. He’s so immediately endearing! 

:D Thank you for reading! Yeah, I always felt like Lúthien's dancing was her true calling, until Acts of Heroism (and her man) dragged her away from it. Now she's going to create an interpretive dance of the fall of Beleriand, and everyone will be so moved when they see it that maybe the Valar will stop _drowning shit_ over and over ... :D

I liked this a lot! 

You packed so many intriguing and appealing things in there!

And all the details and descriptions are great.

I enjoyed what you did both with the canon characters and with the OCs!


Nimloth still fought, desperate and faithful, before the door that led to their children’s quarters. She was in the green gown she’d worn that afternoon for the midwinter festival, but the blood-smeared sword in her hand was her grandfather’s; last night it had been a dusty decoration on their wall. ... “Go,” Nimloth choked to Dior, but he knew that there was no place he wished to go, not now that they were to be parted forever.

I love those passages. So beautiful and tragic!

The hall of mortal statues is also very interesting. I like how you have each statue reflect the person's nature. And aww, Elros -- sad that they couldn't see him until after his death. I liked how his statue echoes the Argonnath.