Fanworks Tagged with Dior

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January 2025 Instadrabbling writings: Olwë, Tuor, Illuvatar, Finrod, Dior, Gil-galad by Quente

Short fanworks for the following prompts:
    •    hurt, delusions, tandem, fly
    •    The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea.
    •    Oh, this spacious sky/Is not poetry enough for our swelling lungs
    •    Smells like teen spirit generator: annoying siblings
    •    From a random page of On Fairy-Stories: beauties, terrors, sun, power
    •    Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy.

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Triptych, II by Grundy

Three vignettes, three times Luthien thinks about Treelight and Silmarils.

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Silhouettes of Doom by Ecthelion


"At least we have learned that the sons of Fëanor can die too." Nine POVs, one matter - a story about the kinslaying in Doriath.

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Where Memory Walks by StarSpray

Neldoreth was both like and unlike the forests of Dior’s childhood and youth.

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Until the final flicker of life’s embers by Quente

Dior did not see the arrow until it pierced his own flesh, a hard thrust of a point entering his back and blossoming out of his heart. The pain of the wound, and the feeling of his body in uncertain panic around it, was almost secondary to his curiosity.

Now what?

Dior felt strangely detached, as if he had stepped out of his body. He watched himself fall over the body of the Golodh he’d slain. Dior had worn no helm nor armor that day – and he saw his hair fan out to cover them both. They died together in the dark cloak of it.

Dior’s eyes closed, and all was dark.


And then Dior opened his eyes.

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Moon in the heat of summer by Quente

The rider loosed the arrow before Dior could call a warning, and so he did what he needed to without a second thought – he leapt from the bush where he’d been hiding, and yelled to startle the deer into motion.

The doe ran; the herd ran; the arrow sank into the ground behind Dior with a deep wet thwock.

And then the rider came up to him, and Dior saw that this rider too was naked.

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Like a vast shadow moved by Quente

Nimloth drags her feet about a certain decision; Melian has no time for that.

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On a night of stars, a bird by Quente

Nimloth and Dior meet, and he is naked.


Melian travels south to visit her daughter, and meets a familiar looking bird.

Written for the Tengwar prompt, Quessë (feather).

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Apprentice by Quente

Dior is in Menegroth learning to be his grandfather's heir -- but his grandmother decides to take him as apprentice too.

Written for the Tengwar Challenge, May 15: Súlë (spirit).

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Doriath Aflame by StarSpray

Celegorm stalks through the halls of Menegroth.

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Come Together, Broken Things, and Grow by UnicornsInSpace

Idril and Meleth (my OC) welcome Finduilas, Niënor, and other refugees into Havens after the Fall of Doriath, hoping they can start anew there. Finduilas's daughter is distraught about the situation. Also, how did Finduilas and Niënor make it to the Havens after the Fall of Doriath?

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Are You Proud of Me? by MourningGlory

In his brother's final moments, Curufin must play an unexpected role.

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I Never Meant To Kill You by Narya

Celegorm and Dior speak.  A sequel to Broken Silver.  Canon divergence AU.

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The Mercy of the Fallen by AdmirableMonster

Rather than killing him, Dior curses Celegorm with his dying breath. Someone that Celegorm once helped helps him a little in turn.

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Unforseen by cuarthol

For a "trick or treat" 3-setence story prompt on tumblr.  Thank you to shrikeseams for the request.

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Rising as if Weightless by StarSpray

“Oh,” Elwing said faintly. She felt the need to sit down, but locked her knees against it. “Then—have they been released from Mandos, my lord? I had not heard that you came in person to deliver such news.”

“They have not, not yet,” said Námo, and to Elwing’s surprise his mouth softened into a small smile, there and gone again in the blink of an eye. “Your brothers are still very young; Mandos is not a place for children to grow. They are ready to return to the world, but unlike most others who pass through my halls they cannot make the journey across Valinor alone. Come to the gates of my halls with all swiftness, and you will find your brothers there.” He inclined his head, and was gone.

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Restore and Rebuild by polutropos

Instadrabbles for the August-September 2022 SWG Challenge, Restoration and Rebuilding. 

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Restoration and Rebuilding Instadrabbling by Lindariel

Instadrabbles from the sessions on the SWG Discord server, 20-21 August 2022




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The Leafless Winter by StarSpray

Though Elwing did not speak, Nienna seemed to know her thoughts. "Few of the Eldar come to stay long in my halls," she said, "but they are open to all. Will you come there?"

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Improbable Beautiful & Afraid of Nothing by StarSpray

The body wanted to look forward, however accustomed the spirit was to looking back.

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Death to the Young by Kaylee Arafinwiel

As Dior lays dying, yearning to reach twin boys taken from his care, something deep within him cracks and slams into place. There's more of his grandmother Melian in him that he ever thought he would inherit. 

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Echo as of a Child's Voice by StarSpray

He heard the voice again, and turned towards it, westward, but as he did he saw the girl again, with her green dress and her yellow hair. She ran up to him on light feet, leaving no trace behind on the snow. “Are you leaving?” she cried. “Please don’t leave!”

“But I am called,” said Elurín. “Don’t you hear?”

“Yes. He calls me, too, but I cannot go!” She cried, and it was the sound on the wind and in the river. “I am afraid.”

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Musings in the Sky by Rhapsody

This is my collection of Silmarillion drabbles. Either drabbled as a present or written for a challenge. Ratings vary from General to Adult.

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My Preciousssss Mary Sues by whitewave

The main theme of the Non-Canon stories here will be Humor/Parody, bordering on the "Heretic".  Please do not read if you are easily offended by these contents.

All stories will contain much adult language, innuendo, nudity, suggestive/compromising positions, and many embarassing situations for the characters, especially the Fëanorions and Mary Sue.  

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Sons Of Justice by Gwenniel

The Sons of Feanor do only what they themselves deem right. They swore an Oath. A promise no one should make. For that they were forced into exile, for that they were both hated and feared.

A take on events in the lives of the sons of Fëanor, wordcounts vary from 5,000 to 20,000 and each told from a different son\'s perspective. Focuses on subjects such as loyalty, friendship and justice.

Completed POVs: Curufin, Caranthir, Maedhros, Amras.

Listed in order of Beleriand history, not writing-order.

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