Fanworks Tagged with Dior

This is a Writing fanwork

Morning Mist and Silver Sun by StarSpray

A place to store drabbles and ficlets, mostly written for various prompts.

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Dior Eluchíl by oshun

The only child of Lúthien and Beren, Dior's legacy is mostly due to his place in the history of the Peredhil who would knit together the First, Second, and Third Ages.

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Forgiveness by LadyBrooke

In the Halls, Dior seeks out Maedhros to speak of family, forgiveness, and children.


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This is a Writing fanwork

50 Prompts: AU Silmarillion by Urloth

50 Prompts resulting in 50 AU Silmarillion based or related drabbles or ficlets.

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A Good Servant by talktob3cks

The evil servants of Celegorm reflect on their deeds at Doriath.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Justice and Death by Gwenniel

There are Oaths that need to be fulfilled, there are quests that cannot be avoided. Caranthir knows that a sooner or later he and his brothers have to go to Doriath to regain the Silmaril.

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Narn Gil-galad by Earonn

The life of the last High King of the Noldor.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Warping Arda by Clodia

A collection of drabbles, mostly written for the LJ comm Tolkien_Weekly.  Some of these drabbles received awards in MEFA 2010; see inside for details.

10. Good as New.  Glorfindel, his father and a piece of the past.  One drabble.

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Of Beren and Lúthien: The Complete Tale of “The Lay of Leithian” by LuthienHuan

A how-it-might-have-been tale based on the Chapter "Of Beren and Lúthien" in The Silmarillion and other writings which fans will recognize.

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The Fall Of Doriath by gamil-zirak

This is an attempt at writing an account of the destruction of Doriath by the Sons of Feanor. It shall include the battle and aftermath. Hope you enjoy it.

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Blood and Fire by Clodia

Fragments of falling Doriath, centred on Oropher.  Dior will not give up the jewel...  MEFA 2010 First Place (Races: Elves: General).

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Whispering Winds by tinni

Set after the battle of Unnumbered Tears, the life of Caranthir till his death during the sack of Doriath

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This is a Writing fanwork

Prince of a Life of Darkness by Lira_of_Imladris

Neithan, an elf who was abandoned at a young age, has finally left his home of long. When he finds that he is not the son of Dior, his friend is killed and Fëanor’s sons attack his home of Doriath, the darker side of Neithan is revealed and he begins to search for what he wants. But what does he want? R&R

Set in the First Age of Middle-Earth in Beleriand. Title may change but I’m not sure yet

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Nightingale by Gadira

Melian the Fire Dragon? Thingol the Nightingale? Dior´s teenage wisdom cannot make sense of it at all.

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This is a Writing fanwork

The Blue Book of Bilbo Baggins, or, Tales of the Forbidden Silmarillion by Gandalfs apprentice

As readers know from Tyellas's Lost in the Translation, Bilbo made another book--one with a blue cover. This story tells of the fate of this mysterious volume, and, even better, has extracts from some of the know you want to read it. Seriously AU. Illustrations by greywing.

Thanks to Tyellas for allowing me to borrow the idea of the Blue Book from her superb story and to oshun for her thoughtful criticism and for being a good friend. Special thanks to Maeve Riannon and to greywing for their unique contributions, and to all the writers at the Garden of Ithilien.

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