Fanworks Tagged with Teens

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High in the Clean Blue Air by StarSpray

They passed out of Lhûn and the wider coastline of Middle-earth opened up before his eyes. He had wandered those shores for centuries, and even now he felt the pull of that same wanderlust, and knew he would miss them for the rest of his life. Their wildness, the untamed waves, the rocky shores and the cliffs and the sandy beaches. The gulls, and the dunes, and the tide pools with their ever-changing denizens. Someone began to sing a song of farewell, and other voices took it up. He did not join them. 

Maglor keeps a promise, and comes to Valinor, only to find the ghosts he thought he'd left behind are alive and waiting for him. 

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On Pleading, and An Older Brother by awwyeah107

A oneshot on the complex relationship of Maglor, Maedhros, and giving.

For Maedhros & Maglor Week 2025.

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No Last Stand by elennalore

An Orc is writing to their loved one in the War of Wrath.

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dark bones bursting into bloom by queerofthedagger

They speak as if they have not been sending messengers to keep each other informed of what was necessary. As if this—war, strategy, cold facts—is not all they have exchanged ever since Maedhros had removed them East.

He wonders if Maglor has forgiven him yet—for giving away the crown, for not asking him first, for coming back someone other than himself. He wonders if he has forgiven Maglor yet—for leaving him to Morgoth, for looking at him returned only with horror and guilt. For not forgiving him yet.

They have not spoken in twenty years. Maedhros doubts that this is the kind of reuniting that their uncle had in mind.

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our footprints marked beneath the dirt by queerofthedagger

He used to be able to read his brother better than his own mind. He used to think that he would do anything, would bear anything, to have him back.

Maglor’s worst crime to date, he thinks, is that in this, too, he has proven himself a liar.

Maedhros abdicates the throne. Maglor copes, more or less (it's definitely less).

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Lay the Heart Bare, Leaf by Leaf by IdleLeaves

A collection of flashfic, drabbles, and snippets.

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The Warrior and the Stone by 0ur_Ouroboros

“They left everything behind? All of their families?” Elrond asks.
“All for a magic stone?” he asks.
“Yes. A very special, very magical stone,” Maglor says, unsure why he should have to justify his deeds to a child.

Maglor tells Elrond and Elros a story. Maedhros listens.

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Shadows of Us by Artano

Inspired by the song "Can't Catch Me Now", this AU was written for the Song of Exile and Jubilee challenges.

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Go On Aching Still by StarSpray

Troubled by dark dreams, Nerdanel picks up a palantír to seek for Maglor. She finds him. 

After, Maedhros has returned to life and also seeks for his brother--and also finds him.

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Burning in the Darkness by Artano

Series of snippets focusing on Finrod and written for the Restoration & Rebuilding and Jubilee challenges

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She Hath My Love (Drabbles about Women) by Elrond's Library

A collection of drabbles about women in Tolkien's Legendarium. 

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Geese and a Violet by Himring

Two survivors finally get together, with a bit of help from Elrond.

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Despair and Defiance by Zdenka

Celebrimbor comes to Galadriel with word of Annatar’s betrayal, and offers her a gift.

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Rowan — Refuge by Himring

A victim of one of Saruman's attempts to interbreed orcs and humans becomes fully aware of the reality of her situation and manages to escape into the borders of Fangorn.
The pursuit is close behind and she is panicking.

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Scatha's Bed by Himring

Like Smaug, Scatha, a great cold-drake of the North, keeps track of his hoard.

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Matters under Maiarin Investigation by Himring

Shortly after Thingol emerged from Nan Elmoth with Melian to rejoin the Sindar: Celeborn would very much prefer not to be asked some questions by Melian.

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Jubilee Instadrabbling 2025 by Lindariel

Eight perfect drabbles (and one bonus accidentally AU one) from the SWG Discord instadrabbling session in January 2025.

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Jubilee 2025 Instadrabbling by elennalore

Three 100 words drabbles I wrote during the Jubilee 2025 live instadrabbling event on the SWG discord server.

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Instadrabbles (delayed dribbles) by 0ur_Ouroboros

A selection of brief writings (mostly conforming to drabbles but some veer into dribble territory) from the SWG events on January 18-19, 2025.

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Maglor and Daeron's Not-So-Excellent-But-Kind-Of-Fun Adventure by Independence1776

Maglor, a Jedi, gets roped into investigating the theft of the Silmarilli and some Sindarin treasures. His partner? The Singer Daeron.

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Happy Begetting Day by Ecthelion

The tale of how the sons of Fëanor were conceived and named, and how the daughters came into being in the other two houses.

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Tomber dans les pommes by daughterofshadows

Celebrimbor fainted. Narvi worries about her friend.

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Comparisons by Himring

Finduilas of Dol Amroth is not like Finduilas of Nargothrond at all, is she? 

Or so she used to think.

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May you live in interesting times by 0ur_Ouroboros

There is no escaping guilt.


Maedhros finds another orphan in the woods.

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