The City Over the Mountains by Narya
Fanwork Notes
Fanwork Information
Summary: A midwinter dalliance grows into something neither Elemmakil nor Voronwë expect. Duty, family and the ghosts of their past lie between them, and beyond the Hidden City, the shadows lengthen and grow deep... Major Characters: Ecthelion of the Fountain, Elemmakil, Idril, Voronwë Major Relationships: Genre: Drama, Slash/Femslash Challenges: Postcards from Middle-earth, Pride Rating: Adult Warnings: Character Death, Violence (Graphic) |
Chapters: 2 | Word Count: 758 |
Posted on 13 July 2019 | Updated on 6 December 2020 |
This fanwork is a work in progress. |
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Table of Contents
Begun for the SWG Pride challenge. This is a work in progress. My Pride prompt sparked a scene that I knew straight away belonged in the middle of a much longer fic. This is not that scene.
This story begins immediately before another fic of mine, Comfort and Joy, and and will continue on after the events of that fic. You may therefore wish to read that one first, before beginning this.
This chapter was written in response to the Silmarillion Holiday Challenge 2020; participants received a postcard with a quote or message to inspire their fic.
I am sorry for anyone who has waited for me to update this; it has been an age since I posted a very brief beginning, and then seemingly abandoned it. As you can see, it isn't abandoned :) it's one of two longer pieces I intend to work on more in 2021, and the chapters will get longer, but for now, here is a brief wintry update.
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