Jubilant Potluck by Grundy

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Fanwork Notes

Prompt(s) for each ficlet given in chapter notes.

Fanwork Information


Drabbles written for Jubilee, fulfilling prompts from Potluck and other previous challenges.

Major Characters:

Major Relationships:

Genre: Fixed-Length Ficlet

Challenges: Block Party, Bollywood, Holiday Party, Jubilee, Potluck Bingo, Pride, Restoration and Rebuilding, Revolution, Soundtrack, Strength and Beauty, Teen Spirit, Times of Bliss, Turgon's Rock Opera, Zingers

Rating: General


This fanwork belongs to the series

Chapters: 23 Word Count: 2, 462
Posted on 19 January 2025 Updated on 19 January 2025

This fanwork is a work in progress.

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Comfort food from Block Party, Food & Drink from Holiday Party

Potluck Bingo's Music of the Ainur card, "A Sky Full of Stars" square

Restoration & Rebuilding. (Image prompt given in Jubilee instadrabbling.) Also incorporates Potluck "Material World" board prompt fire.

Bollywood prompt - ghazal poetry; prompt given during Jubilee instadrabbling was:

  1. After the bones—those flowers—this was found in the urn:
    The lost river, ashes from the ghat, even the rain.

What was I to prophesy if not the end of the world?
A salt pillar for the lonely lot, even the rain.

How the air raged, desperate, streaming the earth with flames—
To help burn down my house, Fire sought even the rain.

He would raze the mountains, he would level the waves;
he would, to smooth his epic plot, even the rain.

New York belongs at daybreak to only me, just me—
To make this claim Memory’s brought even the rain.

From “Even the Rain”, by Agha Shahid Ali 

Prompt from Elleth, Spark, night, rooftop, woodsmoke  

Prompt from Anna (IdleLeaves): A thousand feet of snow over my heart. 

Strength & Beauty prompt 

"Real strength never impairs beauty or harmony,

but it often bestows it; and in everything imposingly beautiful,

strength has much to do with the magic."

~Herman Melville, Moby Dick

Title is the prompt from Jubilee instadrabbling (Tamatoa)

Prompt: Finduilas of Dol Amroth from Potluck "Write Her Story" board (HelenFloraW)

Title is Taboo prompt picked for Jubilee instadrabbling by polutropos

Title is Jubilee instadrabbling prompt given by Tamatoa

Title is prompt given for Jubilee Instadrabbling by CloudyHymns

Prompts: straw, wood, glass, wax from Potluck "Material World" board

Title is prompt from Jubilee instadrabbling, from Revolution challenge. Also incorporates prompts reed and air from Potluck "Material World" board.

Jubilee instadrabbling prompt The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea. From Anna (IdleLeaves). Also incorporates Potluck "Material World" board prompts water, stone.

Prompts: Potluck "Material World" board papyrus, paper; Times of Bliss Hobbit quote, Soundtrack Window to the Past

Title is prompt from Potluck "Material World" board.

Prompts: Potluck "Material World" fur, bark

Pride Ulla Thynell art

Prompts: Potluck "Material World" board metal, brick

Turgon's Rock Opera When The Levee Breaks

Prompts: Potluck "Material World" cotton, wool

Teen Spirit "moving house", "loss of innocence"

Prompts: Potluck Material World sod, flax, leather

Zingers ("May your genitals sprout wings and fly away", "If you gave him an enema, they could bury him in a matchbox.")

Jubilee instadrabbling prompt Leonard Cohen's Anthem

Potluck "Material World" board, jute, earth

Potluck "Material World" board, bamboo

Comments on Jubilant Potluck

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You wrote so many interesting stories for the instadrabbling, but I think the one that made me go Oh! the most is Hemp.

I don't know why I never thought about there being new plants after the sun rose, but it makes so much sense! And it has put so many ideas in my head, too. Can't wait to see where they lead