Teen Spirit

July 2018 SWG challenge Teen Spirit banner with kids standing by a railing in silhouette

At the end of the month of July, the SWG will turn thirteen, thus officially becoming a teenager. In honor of the SWG's birthday, our challenge this month will focus on adolescence in all its difficult, awkward, and revelatory glory.

This month, challenge participants will create a fanwork about an adolescent character or adolescence. Your prompt will come from a random prompt generator. You can choose a prompt from one, several, or all of the four different categories.

(Friendly hint from your mods: We do not know how many times you "roll" the prompt generator, so if you get a dud on your first roll, feel free to roll again … and again … and again … till you get a prompt you like.)



Teen Spirit Prompt Generator



This challenge opened in .

Fanworks Tagged with Teen Spirit

This is a Writing fanwork

Instadrabbles (delayed dribbles) by 0ur_Ouroboros

A selection of brief writings (mostly conforming to drabbles but some veer into dribble territory) from the SWG events on January 18-19, 2025.

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Competition by Artano

Finrod answers a tutor's question before Caranthir can

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This is a Writing fanwork

Jubilant Potluck by Grundy

Drabbles written for Jubilee, fulfilling prompts from Potluck and other previous challenges.

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Shadow's Instadrabbles by daughterofshadows

The home of my insta-drabbling pieces!

(and the odd drabble of undetermined origin)

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All Hues and Honeys by Dawn Felagund

This is my latest collection of pieces too small to stand alone, often written for events on the SWG Discord.

The Latest:
"Fly." Fingon's faith in his friendship with Maedhros leads him to the decision to rescue him.
"Salt." Uinen discovers the kinslaying.
"Sunship." Nerdanel places the final cog in the sunship as an act of resistance.
"No One Heard That." The histories withheld some details of Fëanor's muster of the Noldor.
"Cracked." Námo explains death to a young Fëanor.
"Sunship, Reprise." The sunship's launching, from the perspective of the other side of the sea.
"Shadows beyond a Campfire." The sons of Fëanor build a campfire after the Nirnaeth.
"The Neologist." Pengolodh on language and history at three points in Gondolin's history.

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Tending the Lady's Garden by Raiyana

After the War of Wrath, Finarfin rules in Tirion and Findis is left adrift, her former occupations no longer filling her days. Instead, she journeys with Indis to her house in the countryside, hoping that she might aid her remaining parent in staying just that - remaining to her.

What she finds there?

Well, not quite what was expected, but perhaps there is hope yet for her; small spots of brightness fighting against the sorrow of her house.

And flowers.

Lots of flowers.


Warning for many Findis feels.

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Olwë's Home for Wayward Elves by Morcondil

A series of misadventures has left Galadriel in disgrace; Finarfin thinks a summer with Olwë might help his daughter find her way. After all: nothing exciting ever happens in Alqualondë. A story of questionable fashion choices, growing up, and finding one's place.

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Why? by elvntari

Elros liked to get drunk on the rooftop and philosophise. Elrond liked to make sure he didn't get caught. 

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This Is Growing Up by Grundy

Artanis reflects as she faces the choice of whether to cross the Helcaraxë or return to Tirion.

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This is a Writing fanwork

Most Bright by Lyra

A collection of short ficlets about Princess Ancalimë, who will become the first Ruling Queen of Númenor.
Newly added: "Exit, Pursued", for B2MeM and the Hidden Figures challenge.

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Motherless and Fatherless. by hennethgalad

Teen Spirit. (prompt: justice. the bad boy. experimenting with clothes.)


Young Glorfindel is left alone in the house for the first time. 

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Confessions of a Teenage Drama Prince by eris_of_imladris

Fëanor confesses the truth of his identity to a fellow apprentice in a moment of crisis. 

Theme from generator: my mom, my BFF (okay generator you are really asking me to turn the angst to the max)

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Flowers and Fathers by LadyBrooke

Nimloth doesn't want her father or Lúthien's to know they're together. 

It's not because they would disapprove.


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Trinkets by Independence1776

A collection of unrelated drabbles and ficlets too short to post on their own. Each story has a separate rating and all are under a thousand words.

Newest story: Chapter 48: Aulë, Finarfin, and Maglor's ignored return to Aman. Crackfic. Rated General. Ficlet.

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Sunrise Before I Ever Saw the Sun by Himring

Scenes featuring Maedhros and Fingon in Valinor, set during the Years of the Trees.

Now added: "The Bear Incident".

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