Olwë's Home for Wayward Elves by Morcondil

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Fanwork Notes

This piece is a 2019 Amnesty Fic written for the Teen Spirit challenge, in response to the prompts "growing faster than everyone else," "temptation," "the drama llama," and "LGBT+ experimenting with makeup."

Fanwork Information


A series of misadventures has left Galadriel in disgrace; Finarfin thinks a summer with Olwë might help his daughter find her way. After all: nothing exciting ever happens in Alqualondë. A story of questionable fashion choices, growing up, and finding one's place.

Major Characters: Aredhel, Eärwen, Finarfin, Galadriel, Olwë, Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s)

Major Relationships:

Genre: Drama, Family

Challenges: New Year's Resolution, Teen Spirit

Rating: Teens

Warnings: Sexual Content (Mild)

Chapters: 9 Word Count: 20, 942
Posted on 10 January 2019 Updated on 12 February 2020

This fanwork is complete.

Comments on Olwë's Home for Wayward Elves

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This is wonderful! I’m so excited to see another chapter posted!

I love the writing style here, it’s very humorous. And it’s quite fun to see Alqualondë through Artanis’s eyes. This is exactly the sort of story I was hoping would come from the Teen Spirit Challenge.

I’m not sure what else to say, other than,” I love it!”

Well, Galadriel has more good grace than I would've shown! I think these accusations of self-absorbedness might go towards Costamo just as well, even if he tried to apologise first...

I wonder if Arafinwë would be pleased, also! Somehow I can't help worrying that he'll be horrified at Artanis' harsh judgement of Ellemírë, rather than seeing it as a peace offer.

I suspect that Olwë isn't as oblivious as he pretends to be! He has taken Galadriel's surprising remark so calmly, I doubt he's unaware of what's going on in the room...

Looking forward to the next chapter!

I absolutely agree! I think Galadriel is in that teenage phase where everything is always "all or nothing." So, her parents don't like her staying out late at night, etc--"they just want me to be a doormat, then!" I feel like if Finarfin had been there, he would have just done his best rendition of this meme and done some face-palming. (He, personally, doesn't care if Artanis runs wild or not; he just thinks she should be aware that actions have consequences. And he certainly doesn't want her to be a doormat.)

Also yes: Olwë. A very canny guy, for all that he pretends to be a absent-minded old coot. ;)

Thank you again for reading! The next chapter should be out during the weekend, and will take a look back at Tirion to see what's up there.

Oh dear! Tirion does not sound like a very pleasant place at all. And you're painting an even darker picture of Elven social norms than I dare to! I love it!

Good for Artanis that the gossip-mongers of Tirion move on so quickly, though. And good for her parents that they miss her, for all the trouble she causes.

Oh, I love Artanis’ voice, and this whole chapter was very entertaining. Interesting people in Alqualondë.